oath oracle

The Ocean Clean Up

Every year, millions of tons of plastic enter the oceans, of which the majority spills out from rivers. A portion of this plastic travels to ocean garbage patches, where it gets caught in a vortex of circulating currents alongside plastic from other sources (e.g. offshore fishing activities). 


Black girls code

Join Black Girls CODE (BGC) as we equip young girls to level up in the tech world. Their programs help girls ages 7 - 17 from underrepresented communities to learn computer programming and technology. It’s their mission to build pathways for Black girls to embrace the current tech marketplace as builders and creators by introducing them to computer programming and technology skills. 


UNYA the urban
native youth associatioN

UNYA's focus since its inception in 1988 has been to provide meaningful opportunities for Indigenous youth (Aboriginal, Metis, Inuit, First Nations, Status, Non-Status) in the urban setting. Their goal is to be a safe place for Indigenous youth to come and find out about programs and services at UNYA and in the broader community. UNYA strives to support Indigenous youth by providing a diverse continuum of advocacy, preventative and support services that respond to their immediate and long-term needs. 


Code to Inspire

Code to Inspire (CTI) uses technology education and outreach to provide Afghan women with leverage in their fight for social, political, and economic equality. 



Download the guide & read your stars


A comprehensive guide to the signs, houses, planets, aspects and more!  
Written with love to support you in understanding your unique Astrological blueprint.