Leadership - Wealth - Destiny


The REBIRTH Mastermind

Held in the dark Void of Scorpio season,

And expanding through to the liberated optimism of Sagittarius season is...

To fully surrender, descend, and unravel into the depths of the Death cycle.

(Something often overlooked as most people leave major processes incomplete and undigested, meaning they obstruct new life and contaminate new cycles.)

And to attune & expand into the infinite miraculous potential of Rebirth.

To deliver us into landed and deep embodiment of our Higher Self energy,
The potency of our Transmission,
And our magnetic and overflowing Wealth Reality.

This mastermind is a potently coded intimate group energetic field, devoted to supporting the process of Death & Rebirth.

2024 has been a wild and transformative year on every level, from individual to collective, from our cells to the stars.

These transformations all further our evolution. Especially those called to lead in the New Earth. Through our businesses, our art, our transmission… our very Beingness.

We begin in the Dark Moon, just before the New Moon in Scorpio.

For those in the depths of the Death cycle, before the next Rebirth.

For those who FEEL the next Evolution, giving off heat & calling you forward, just around the corner …

For the poets, the mystics, the channels …
for the sacred rebels, the cycle breakers, the legacy makers, the One the prophecy foretold

For those in the depths of the Death cycle, before the next Rebirth.

For those who FEEL the next Evolution, giving off heat & calling you forward, just around the corner …

For the poets, the mystics, the channels…
for the sacred rebels,
the cycle breakers,
the legacy makers
the One the prophecy foretold

This mastermind is a potently coded intimate group energetic field, devoted to supporting the process of Death & Rebirth into Destiny.

To fully surrender, descend, and unravel into the depths of the Death cycle.

(Something often overlooked as most people leave major processes incomplete and undigested, meaning they obstruct new life and contaminate new cycles.)

And to attune & expand into the infinite miraculous potential of Rebirth.

To deliver us into landed and deep embodiment of our Higher Self energy,

the potency of our Transmission,

and our magnetic and overflowing Wealth Reality.

2024 has been a wild and transformative year on every level, from individual to collective, from our cells to the stars.

These transformations all further our evolution. Especially those called to lead in the New Earth. Through our businesses, our art, our transmission… our very Beingness.

We begin in the Dark Moon, just before the New Moon in Scorpio.

Held in the dark Void of Scorpio season,

And expanding through to the liberated optimism of Sagittarius season is...


6 x 90 min calls


Somatics, Strategy & Quantum coding


Voxer coaching directly from Ayesha (Tues - Fri)

Voxer community open 24/7 for connection, celebration & support




Intimate group for deep, precision coaching

We begin Oct 29 - Dec 4


BONUS : Includes new program Destiny Timeline, live this Nov (value : $555)


This mastermind will hold you through the deepest descent into your own transformation… the one you have been preparing for…

This mastermind will support you in the birthing of new identities, evolutions, & expressions of your true Essence and work in this world.

This mastermind will ground out these powerful frequencies through precision business strategy to create tangible results in sales, socials, impact and income.

This mastermind creates a group energetic field of evolution, prosperity, and destiny…

While my masterminds are normally priced around $3,000 per month,

The REBIRTH Mastermind is yours just for $2,222 TOTAL (pay in full)

This mastermind will hold you through the deepest descent into your own transformation… the one you have been preparing for…

This mastermind will support you in the birthing of new identities, evolutions, & expressions of your true Essence and work in this world.

This mastermind will ground out these powerful frequencies through precision business strategy,

to create tangible results in sales, socials, impact and income.

This mastermind creates a group energetic field of evolution, prosperity, and destiny…

While my masterminds are normally priced around $3,000 per month,

The REBIRTH Mastermind is yours just for $2,222 TOTAL (pay in full)

within this, you can’t not Expand.

Claim your throne

10 seats total. 8 seats remain
Price rises to $3000 PIF on Thursday Oct 17 @ 11:59pm ET
10 seats total. 7 seats remain
Price rises to $3000 PIF on Thursday Oct 17 @ 11:59pm ET




     This is for             if you have felt…

Old identities, aspects of Self, and attachments are dying / asking to be let go

A Death / Rebirth process is occurring in your life + business and even if it’s scary, it feels exhilarating and right for you

Your Soul is craving energetics + somatics to support you to land your next level Leadership, Wealth and Sacred Success

You desire precision strategic support from me to blueprint new offers, launch plans, marketing and messaging that align with all you are Becoming

The pain of the Collective has deeply moved you - you are called to rise into Leadership and are ready to let old doubts, fears and insecurities burn away in the purifying flames of Scorpio szn

Changes in the online space have had you re-examining your priorities… You are ready to claim your own lane in the online space FULLY + FIERCELY.

You desire to end 2024 so strong + abundant… while also setting the trajectory for a 2025 beyond your wildest dreams.

You desire to be coached by me on business, energetics, and quantum coding your next level in life + business

Old identities, aspects of Self, and attachments are dying / asking to be let go

A Death / Rebirth process is occurring in your life + business and even if it’s scary, it feels exhilarating and right for you

Your Soul is craving energetics + somatics to support you to land your next level Leadership, Wealth and Sacred Success

You desire precision strategic support from me to blueprint new offers, launch plans, marketing and messaging that align with all you are Becoming



The pain of the Collective has deeply moved you - you are called to rise into Leadership and are ready to let old doubts, fears and insecurities burn away in the purifying flames of Scorpio szn

Changes in the online space have had you re-examining your priorities… You are ready to claim your own lane in the online space FULLY + FIERCELY.

You desire to end 2024 so strong + abundant… while also setting the trajectory for a 2025 beyond your wildest dreams.

You desire to be coached by me on business, energetics, and quantum coding your next level in life + business

It's hard to express in words my experience in the Opulence Mysticmind! The container was so intimate and perfect, and my transformation was beyond what I had expected. I went into the container aiming to reach a certain income goal, and came out realizing I needed to heal, and peel back the layers personally in order to do that, and truly unlock what I believe will bring my greatest abundance.

Ayesha is like none other, and being in other great spaces, truly no one compares. She is an embodiment of the work she puts out, and her containers are filled with magic! I am so grateful for the last 8 months and excited for what's to come!

- Beth S
Working with Ayesha was truly a magical experience. The amount of wisdom held throughout the container continued to blow my mind and resulted in stepping into my authentic expression which is something I felt stuck with prior to working together.

Ayesha holds a wealth of sales & marketing strategies that feel in flow and easy which is something I'm incredibly grateful for and will carry with me throughout the evolution of my business. Ayesha's wisdom cannot be matched. Her ability to hold space, and reflect power and purpose is incredible!

Thank you Ayesha for helping me fall back in love with my business and myself!
- Madeline b
Phew… already crying. Okay here we go:
Ayesha, first off, thank you. Thank you for following your path in 2020. For showing up, sharing your light in the world so that our souls could meet in this lifetime.

Each month inside the mastermind my income slowly grew until April where I had my first 5k month. May 7k. June 9K. I couldn’t have done this without you… not because you told me what to do, not because you held my hand or did the work for me but because you believed in me. You SAW me in my limitlessness. My powerful co creator manifesting magic. And through your lens of seeing me… I was able to see myself too.

I signed up for a mastermind for business but what I got was healing on every level of my being. You taught me to trust myself, to REALLY trust spirit, and that I was creating change regardless of the numbers in my bank account or followers I had.

Ayesha, thank you for believing in me on the days I couldn’t. Thank you for this sacred space to grow with you and to be seen in a way that I never knew I needed. You are a powerful expander and space holder. It is an HONOR to be in your spaces.
I love you so much.
Cosmic Soul CEO was the mastermind of my dreams! Over two months of daily deep dives in Voxer with an intimate group of badass women, AND weekly coaching calls - the amount of depth & wisdom in this container is hard to put into words.

Ayesha’s coaching paired with the opportunity to get detailed feedback on your own chart & astrological influences in real time was so incredibly valuable and I feel my own knowledge has grown exponentially as a result!. This was a very expansive experience for me, and was the perfect way to usher in the new year feeling supported & saturated with Ayesha’s legendary codes. 
Ufff. Where to even begin?!  Getting to meet on a weekly basis with Ayesha and my mastermind sisters surpassed my greatest expectations. It was the exact support I was craving and more. Being surrounded by these icons that I see as my expanders activated new levels of ambition, greatness and legacy within me.

There's nothing like being seen, guided AND championed by Ayesha. Her genuine enthusiasm, belief in your potential and immaculate guidance make you feel LIKE YOU CAN DO ANYTHING. And then you actually go and prove yourself RIGHT.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, Ayesha for following your intuition and creating this unique mastermind combining astrology and business. Cosmic Soul CEO changed my life. Just like all the containers with you do - time and time again. I feel so grateful and blessed to get to call you my dream mentor and to continue to journey with you in The Temple for a year. You are truly an ancient Goddess legend and it is an honour to co-create the New Earth alongside you in this lifetime. I love you so much, Ayesha!

Transformation awaits

Through connecting with Astrology since age 14, I began to understand it was all part of a greater Cosmic Order.. And that there was purpose behind everything I experienced. And that purpose was to help me evolve and become who I came here to Be.

As my Astrological understanding deepened, a powerful transformation occurred inside of me. I started living in alignment with the blueprint and it’s been nothing short of miracles ever since.

It is now my greatest passion to not only support people in creating massive business success, soulful leadership and overflowing wealth… But to do so in a way that works for YOU, your unique blueprint, and your true desires!

In honour of our bodies, our unique energy, and our sacred Mother Earth.

I am a 1/3 Projector with Aquarius Sun / Pisces Moon / Leo Rising. I love dance, travel, reading, and hanging out with my cat Namaari.

I love what I do and I can’t wait to share it with you inside of The REBIRTH Mastermind.

I never imagined ANY of this was possible for me… especially now working around 15 hours per week, living in my own property that I bought last year, and in full freedom to travel business class all over the world.

I am neurodivergent (Autistic + ADHD) and live with chronic pain. My past involved instability, chaos, poverty, substance abuse and trauma. I used to believe not much was possible for me and that I just wasn’t dealt the cards of success and happiness.

Hi beauty! My name is Ayesha. I have been studying Astrology for over 20 years… and in 2020, based on specific astrological transits, I finally got the courage to start my business online.

Since then, my business has generated millions of dollars in revenue, sharing my passion and purpose with the most mind blowing clients! I am the host of The Oath Oracle podcast, a top 2% podcast exploring all my favourite topics. I have been featured on Forbes, Refinery29, and been a guest on high profile podcasts such as The Manifestation Babe podcast.

Hi beauty! My name is Ayesha. I have been studying Astrology for over 20 years… and in 2020, based on specific astrological transits, I finally got the courage to start my business online.

Since then, my business has generated millions of dollars in revenue, sharing my passion and purpose with the most amazing people! I am the host of The Oath Oracle podcast, a top 2% podcast exploring all my favourite topics. I have been featured on Forbes, Refinery29, and been a guest on many amazing podcasts such as The Manifestation Babe podcast.

I never imagined ANY of this was possible for me… especially now working around 15 hours per week, living in my own property that I bought last year, and in full freedom to travel business class all over the world.

I am neurodivergent (Autistic + ADHD) and live with chronic pain. My past involved instability, chaos, poverty, substance abuse and trauma. I used to believe not much was possible for me and that I just wasn’t dealt the cards of success and happiness.

Meet your facilitator


Frequently asked questions

You will have ample opportunity to bring questions and receiving coaching during the mastermind calls and within the Voxer space. However, there are no private calls included in The REBIRTH mastermind.

No refunds permitted. Please make this investment from a place of empowered choice. 

The REBIRTH mastermind is an intimate, limited seat container not included in any other offers.