6 weeks to transform your experience with money


Unlocking a new wealth reality that feels safe, sensual, stable

As you rise into exquisite quality of life, rooted leadership, and next level impact in this world

It's stacking and saving without ever compromising,

Having an exquisite quality of life, full of all the things that really matter to you.

It's building for the future strategically, in a way that feels good to your system,

While also living into the most amazing present that you possibly can.

It's rooting down and feeling supported through the seasons of entrepreneurship, allowing you to take risks & make business moves in authentic alignment with the creative visionary that you are.

Creating that steady, stable foundation so that you can continue to rise and play... experiment and dance… really be living that full, soulful CEO path that we are all here for.

Wealth is much more than the number in your bank account.

Knowing that your needs are taken care of…

and then some. đź’‹

In Rich & Resourced, we will be working on the nervous system in a very experiential, somatic and embodied way.

Helping our nervous system feel safe is KEY

to attracting money,
receiving it into our lives,
saving and stacking it,
investing and spending it in empowered ways,

Feeling good with money so that we can create new experiences & new cycles in our lineage.

It feels like I have a new superpower unlocked that will only continue to grow throughout my life. Uffff. Full body chills.

You are one of the most important visionaries of our lifetime, Ayesha.

I’m so honoured to be guided by you ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

- Understand and transform fight, flight, freeze and fawn response with money
- Cultivate felt sense of safety with money
- Learn to self regulate & expand capacity

Money + The Nervous System

The Journey

Module 1

- Calibrate to higher levels of wealth
- Embody the prices you truly desire in business
- Somatic wealth practices

Embodied Wealth

Module 2

- Powerfully uplevel your money magnetism and sales in business
- Identify + transform the biggest blocks to receiving
- Recognize the truth that Abundance is EVERYWHERE
- Guided practice for attracting + receiving money

Attracting, Receiving

Module 3

- Life changing shifts in the most common blocks to saving money
- Increase nervous system capacity to actually HOLD money
- Learn to grow & sustain a monthly baseline in your business
- Guided practice for developing felt sense of being held and supported by money

Saving, Stacking

Module 4

- 7 figure CEO mindset + tips for an empowering relationship with taxes
- Money magic for spending and circulating cash
- Regulating through stressful financial seasons & unexpected bills
- Become a fountain of wealth in your life + community

Circulation : spending + taxes

Module 5

- A second live session dedicated to your questions & deeper integration of the journey thus far

Q&A Session

- Learn exactly how I’ve built my net worth to over $400,000 CAD
- My journey with investing in stocks and crypto
Portfolio 1 : Up 50%
Portfolio 2 : Up 27.5%
(From Oct 2017 - May 2024)
- My plan to grow my networth to 7 figures

Investing, Multiplying

Module 6

NOTE : I am not a financial advisor and this is not financial advice. This is a candid personal share on my journey with investing since 2017.

- Receive life time access to the replays 

Please note : Schedule subject to change.

I am IN!

- A live session dedicated to your questions & deeper integration of the journey thus far

Q&A Session

- THREE surprise bonus transmissions (all new & exclusive)


Lifetime Access

- BONUS masterclass : Jupiter in Gemini, held May 31 @ 12pm ET!

In Rich & Resourced, you will unlock a new level of safety & magnetism with money.

This program will teach you how to :

đź’° Move OUT of survival mode and into THRIVING!

đź’¸ Help your nervous system feel SAFE with money

đź’° Heal deeper traumas that have impacted your experience with money & life

đź’¸ Become more present, embodied and powerful

💰 Regulate yourself so money ups and downs don’t compromise your leadership & destiny

đź’¸ Embody your pricing, hold your boundaries & standards

đź’° Attract more $$$

đź’¸ Get paid amazing money for your BEINGness & spiritual gifts

 đź’°Deeply receive money in a way that nourishes your whole life (& beyond)

đź’¸ Invest in an empowered way that supports your future vision

 đź’°Save, stack, and feel powerfully supported by $$$

đź’¸ Heal spending to self soothe, no longer looping in feast / famine cycle

đź’°Calibrate to a stable baseline of money in your life

đź’¸ Build on that baseline for life changing wealth

You ready, bb?

You are the Chosen One, babe.

The One in your lineage to not only break cycles…

But to birth new cycles as well.



Rich & resourced, my embodied wealth program

2 x Q&A sessions

6 x deep dive modules

Lifetime access to the replays

Bonus masterclass: Jupiter in Gemini ($188 value!)

Telegram group for community connection - exclusive to the live round!

3 x surprise bonus transmissions (all new & exclusive)

this is for           if You:



You are DONE with the broke healer / starving artist paradigm

Not all these examples will apply to everyone, as we each have a unique money story and nervous system. This is something we will go into deeply in the program, but if you have several of these then this program is for you.


You want money to feel playful, safe, pleasurable and ABUNDANT AF


You are done with living in fear when it comes to money in life & business


You wobble on your own prices, don’t feel embodied in your prices, anticipate rejection before you even say your prices, and feel all kinds of ways about raising your prices even when a part of you knows it is time


You know you are a cycle breaker in your lineage - you are ready to shatter old paradigms of fear and poverty.. And BIRTH new paradigms of wealth, stability, and exquisite quality of life that will send ripples of healing and change throughout your lineage backwards and forwards


You may be making good money, perhaps better than ever before as so many more of us unlock our purpose … YET you know you could have more savings, feel more safe + secure with money, and have a steady flow of wealth coming in every month through your business.


You no longer want to feel like you are starting from “zero” at the start of every new month

 You KNOW you are here to live a certain lifestyle, whatever luxury means to you… yet it feels like there is a huge gap between you and where you desire to be



You desire to grow your net worth and create lasting wealth for you, your family, and beyond


Saving is challenging for you, there is an energy of “hot potato”... throwing it out of your hands / spending it soon after you receive it 


Even when you have money, it doesn’t quite feel safe, real, or “yours”


You spend excessively, get shiny object syndrome, have more courses than you have time to watch the modules, and shop to self soothe... 


... Or, conversely, spending and investing is challenging for you. You tend to hold yourself back from what you want even if you do have the money for it. There is an energy of hoarding, stinginess, and constantly second guessing your own investment choices. 


You have past financial trauma that has imprinted into your nervous system. This could be from this life (especially experiences age 0-7), your lineage (for example immigration, fleeing war, bankruptcy, etc in the family lineage), or even past lives.


You tend to overgive, and then feel taken advantage of. Extra points if this has been an ongoing pattern in relationships, friendships, family etc.



     You desire to open to receive more money and for it to feel easy and magnetic. You are ready to ditch the time for money paradigm and plug in to cosmic abundance for the value that you bring to this world through your authentic essence

You desire to open to receive more money and for it to feel easy and magnetic. You are ready to ditch the time for money paradigm and plug in to cosmic abundance for the value that you bring to this world through your authentic essence


You want to learn from me, Ayesha aka Oath Oracle ;), and from what I’ve learned in my journey making over 2million in business revenue, building my networth to 400k, becoming the first woman to own her own property in my family…

all while working LESS hours, having MORE space in my schedule, creating a life literally BEYOND my wildest dreams, and feeling truly whole, peaceful, and safe within my body (after over 30 yrs of living in fear, seasons of true poverty, crippling self worth, feeling super unsupported and alone in life


You take responsibility for your results. My job is to come share the codes at the highest level I am capable of, and always show up grounded and ready to serve you. I have no doubt these teachings will empower + support you to transform your financial reality in a long lasting, life changing way. But no specific financial results are guaranteed within the six week journey. You will get from it, what you put into it. Join us if you are ready to show up for your own financial transformation!

It's probably        for you if...



The investment will put you in serious financial strife, and you are counting on the program to manifest the money to cover your expenses.

This is not for you at this time, but you may enjoy the epic value in my $97 membership The Star Stream with tons of stuff to support you in getting more cash flow, especially as we are in a money season right now. Taurus szn in the Star Stream is our season of Worth, Wealth, & Pleasure.

Feeling stretched in an expansive way is a yummy energetic to invest from as it shows you are playing big and choosing to energize this new pathway with money in a powerful way thru the energy of currency. It’s ok and normal to feel nervous, excited or activated. But that’s very different from true financial strife and blowing out your nervous system.

You are looking for a quick fix / magic pill to make all the money issues go away. Money work is deeeeep work as it’s connected to our survival, family line, past traumas and more.

This program will support you in this transformation, but it cannot do the work for you. The teachings and activations in this program will definitely help you with quick cash injections too… but ultimately R&R is about long lasting, steady, stable money that changes our lives and the world.


Three Payments of
One-Time Payment of

The Investment

Save $222 with pay in full!
10 Payments of
I highly recommend this course to anyone who is stuck in their money patterns and feels stuck with their finances. It helped me push through blocks and fear and really believe in the magic of receiving and holding money. I’m having more fun earning and stacking my finances after learning from Ayesha! I feel royal when I make purchases, not depleted! And I’m even starting to see it affect my peers, my band has raised its prices & we’re feeling into our abundance more regularly too!

Since the course I’ve been able to hit goals again and feel like my work is actually being received. I now do money dates and really feel into the abundance I have now. I’m working with gratitude for all I have, even if it isn’t where it used to be I feel extremely grateful that money comes to me. I’ve healed and understood a lot about my family wounds through the course. I’m learning receptivity and how to actually believe money is safe with me.

- Imani Nic
 Yes yes yes!!! Oath Oracle brought the magic yet again with Wealth Magician. Being in her universe of programs is truly the gift that keeps giving. Her frequency is highly activating; she holds space as a pillar of strength for all of us to build ourselves up with. This program expanded me to make new moves in my life and business, increasing my monthly investment contributions as well as adjusting my pricing to reflect my elevated level of self worth. Diving deeper into quantum money and business energetics lights me up on so many levels, and I’ve done quite a bit of work on this over the years with different mentors. No one has Ayesha’s unique magic though so like all of her work, this container is in a caliber of its own. I can’t recommend this program enough to entrepreneurs ready for their next level.

- Zakia
Truly grateful to be learning from Ayesha, who is the epitome of Wealth Magician. The knowledge and the depth with which Ayesha teaches is second to none and is delivered in the most magical way. Thank you so much. Lots of Love and Prosperity to you and your whole team. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Xxxxxxxxx

- Rebecca Guiney
Wealth Magician was nothing short of, well, magic. What else can one expect from Ayesha the Oath Oracle?! I am not the same person coming out of the container as I was going into it, and I am forever grateful to the person I was when I signed up for this course (it doesn’t even feel right calling it a “course” because it’s SO. MUCH. MORE. than that!).

After a few weeks of working through the Wealth Magician framework, I was celebrating yet another day of 3 new project inquiries — without doing anything. ...

 Wealth Magician continues to blow my mind daily with realizations from the embodiment work. I’m excited to go through the recordings again so I can dig deeper: it’s an incredible practice to be able to connect with my higher self on a quantum timeline and bend time to become my future self in the here and now. Highly recommend for ANYONE who wants to think about and experience money differently!

- Dijon Bowden
Business coaching for the new age. This is New Earth business as leadership into ethical energy exchange and rising to our greatness. I was able to bring light to some areas that needed presence and I now have the confidence and momentum to keep at it with the process of inner excavation to unearth my most radiant and authentic self.

Love for Ayesha's past money energetics program, Wealth Magician

Since claiming my path of sacred success, my life has transformed in every way. From relationships, to health, to wealth. I truly live a life beyond my wildest dreams

It is now my greatest passion to not only support people in creating massive business success, soulful leadership and overflowing wealth… But to do so in a way that works for YOU, your unique blueprint, and your true desires!

In honour of our bodies, our unique energy, and our sacred Mother Earth.

I am a 1/3 Projector with Aquarius Sun / Pisces Moon / Leo Rising. I love dance, travel, reading, and hanging out with my cat Namaari.

I love what I do and I can’t wait to share it with you inside of Rich & Resourced.

Since then, my business has generated millions of dollars in revenue, sharing my passion and purpose with the most mind blowing clients! I am the host of The Oath Oracle podcast, a top 2% podcast exploring all my favourite topics. I have been featured on Forbes, Refinery29, and been a guest on high profile podcasts such as The Manifestation Babe podcast.

I never imagined ANY of this was possible for me… especially now working around 15 hours per week, living in my own property that I bought last year, and in full freedom to travel business class all over the world.

I am neurodivergent (Autistic + ADHD) and live with chronic pain. My past involved instability, chaos, poverty, substance abuse and trauma. I used to believe not much was possible for me and that I just wasn’t dealt the cards of success and happiness.

Hi beauty! My name is Ayesha. I have been studying Astrology for over 20 years… and in 2020, based on specific astrological transits, I finally got the courage to start my business online.

Hi beauty! My name is Ayesha. I have been studying Astrology for over 20 years… and in 2020, based on specific astrological transits, I finally got the courage to start my business online.

Since then, my business has generated millions of dollars in revenue, sharing my passion and purpose with the most amazing people! I am the host of The Oath Oracle podcast, a top 2% podcast exploring all my favourite topics. I have been featured on Forbes, Refinery29, and been a guest on many amazing podcasts such as The Manifestation Babe podcast.

I never imagined ANY of this was possible for me… especially now working around 15 hours per week, living in my own property that I bought last year, and in full freedom to travel business class all over the world.

I am neurodivergent (Autistic + ADHD) and live with chronic pain. My past involved instability, chaos, poverty, substance abuse and trauma. I used to believe not much was possible for me and that I just wasn’t dealt the cards of success and happiness.

Meet your coach

for earth angels in business

This is included in...


Alongside two monthly mastermind calls, a thriving community, all programs and masterclasses launched during our time together, the Program Vault, access to The Star Stream, and more... a value of over $50,000
This program can act as a credit. If you love the experience and want to be a part of the full immersive year, you have 30 days from purchase to apply your investment to The Temple!


Frequently asked questions

Calls will be generally at 12pm ET on Wednesdays, starting May 29. Replays will be available if you can't join live.

No, this is not an Astrology program. This is a wealth embodiment & nervous system program channeled by Oath Oracle. 

There is no 1:1 time within this container. However, it is held live, with the opportunity to ask questions  within the calls and during the Q&A sessions.

There is a Rich & Resourced VIP upgrade option for those who want to quantum leap their results in an intimate telegram mastermind. Email to inquire.

No, the Telegram is for community connection but Ayesha will drop in with the occasional riff.

There is also a Rich & Resourced VIP upgrade for those who want to quantum leap their results in an intimate telegram mastermind. Email to inquire.

Rich & Resourced is included in The Temple  🏛️🕊️ For Earth Angels in Business.

As it is not an Astrology focused program, it is not included in Cosmic Legacy.

Due to the digital nature of this program, there are no refunds permitted. Please make this investment from a place of empowered choice.