To your Medicine, Magnetism, Mastery.
To the full potential impact of your purpose work in this world.

One year in devotion.

Experience the bliss of waking up each day knowing you are on your purpose path, you receive money while you sleep, rest, and play, and you are changing the world with the medicine you came here to serve.

To your highest expression of wealth - 
the kind of wealth that changes the trajectory of your lineage, while overflowing to the world around you.

Equip yourself with high level, proven business strategies to create your multiple 6 figure(and beyond) business.

Build the structures that generate steady, stacking revenue every single month as your quality of life and financial stability increase.

When you say YES to your purpose path, the Universe responds.

Together we will journey through my Sacred Business methodology, creating solid pillars in your business that will stand the test of time.

join now


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Exclusive access and pricing to 1:1 sessions + VIP upgrades

 private podcast episodes based on your questions & requests


Every new business masterclass & program I launch during our time together

Monthly group mastermind calls

every business program during our year together


 masterclasses & PROGRAMS 


total value over $25,000!!

*My astrology for business program, Cosmic Success Codes, is NOT included in the Sacred Business Evolution*

*This container is focused on business strategy and energetics. Selective, hand-picked astrology masterclasses are included, as well as any moon sessions so we can manifest together, and Astrology for Business : The Big Three as a bonus*


❤️‍🔥 Team building
❤️‍🔥 PIF energies
❤️‍🔥 Create, launch & lead your mastermind
❤️‍🔥 Premium client attraction
❤️‍🔥 Low ticket offer lab
❤️‍🔥 Stacking monthly recurring revenue
❤️‍🔥 Growing your email list
❤️‍🔥 Creating your lead magnet


👑 Hand-picked Astrology masterclasses that support you in soul business
👑 Every live moon session I host during your time in the container
👑 Meditations for client attraction, wealth and higher self activation
👑 Yummy surprises ;)

Plus, Instant Access to...
👑 Course Creatrix (valued at $2222)
👑 Wealth Magician (valued at $2222)
👑 Soul Business Accelerator program (valued at $777)
👑 Astrology for Business : The Big Three program (valued at $555)


A total value of over $6,000 in bonuses!


join now


2 brand new, live & perfectly paired Masterclasses

Instant access : 

 ($2222 value)

Transform your gifts into unlimited prosperity by mastering online course creation.

August - October:

($2222 value)

Grounded growth, exquisite engagement, & soul mate client sales through empowered + authentic self expression on socials.

November & December:

 ($2222 value)

Catalyze your medicine into the prosperous, sustainable business of your dreams.

Schedule subject to change.

Any month that doesn't include a program will feature a specific business focused masterclass!

Every month includes an intimate mastermind call for group coaching 

 ($2222 value)

A transformational journey into money mysteries, alchemy, and wealth.


Devoted the next year to learning + implementing the strategies that actually create results in your business?
Leveled up your energetics to align with the version of you living your dream life?
Received consistent support towards your goals and desires?
Were in a community of badass humans who are also going for their dreams, motivating each other, celebrating with one another, and networking together?
Received my codes on business, wealth, and power consistently for one year?
Were able to ask me questions every single month (in addition to Q&A and coaching calls included within the courses themselves) that pertain to exactly your situation, your business, your goals?
Got the answers and guidance you needed when things felt stuck or uncertain, rather than getting stuck in a plateau or avoiding responsibility?
Walked with me, growing alongside me and your new community of sacred CEOs, for an entire year?!?!?

Imagine, my loves…

What is possible
if you…

- Jenna D.

Sacred Social Media was a complete game changer for me and transformed my relationship with social media. The way that Ayesha teaches the strategy and energetics behind her approach to social media is so accessible and empowering that I immediately saw results after implementing. My reach was up over 500%, my engagement up over 300%, and I doubled my follower growth...

Ayesha’s generosity of her medicine is infused throughout this container and really supported a transformation in how I approach my social media. Instead of feeling weighed down, I now feel empowered by it and have booked my first paying clients as a result. Thank you, Ayesha, for opening a door for me that I didn’t know could be opened.

Ayesha truly allowed me to step into my power.

- Tukata C.

...and accelerated my sale energetic to the point of being crazy, literally. My biz was exposed to the new energy that it never experienced before. That energy was confidence, fun, joy, one of a kind, magnetism and authenticity. I am more strategic in things I do on my business account and also embrace it with the right energy and FUN.

All in all, I got new eyes and a new fresh perspective towards sales and was become more positive and more aligned to the mindset that like every other type of business, sale is essential and can blend well with spirituality.

Sacred Sales Ascension liberated my fear 

- kerry p.

I found Ayesha back in June 2020. Since then, I’ve engaged in many of her programs and work shops. I love how she explains things. I feel like her brain is talking directly to my brain and it all makes sense. Course Creatrix was exactly that. Ayesha broke down something quite complex, into easy manageable steps. Every time I create a new course, I will go back and follow the step by step structures that Ayesha created for each module.

In my heart, I am certain Course Creatrix is the pivotal point in my biz, to help me spread my work to more people at affordable costs, simultaneously rewarding me with an income that affirms the value in the wisdom I have to share.

Course Creatrix is the pivotal point in my biz

- Areege C.

Ahhhhh so many new ideas and a FRESH bolt of excitement! I finally feel like I'm on-track and MOVING again! Ayesha's passion & energy is just so contagious, I feel RE-VITALIZED!!!! Through the immersion, I was able to notice my blind spots and what exact areas of my business needed attention.

With that awareness, allllll the relevant action-steps became obvious. And now I'm just riding this beautiful wave of MOMENTUM!!!! I feel like I'm being catapulted into my next-level in an EXTREMELY tangible + practical way. Plus, I no longer feel like I have to wait for 'divine timing'... I know what is in my control & how to sustain this sensation of forward movement myself.

 I feel like I'm being catapulted into my next-level 

- Dusah, the serpent goddess

Since Course Creatrix, I’ve gained a new sense of courage and confidence when creating my offers. The seamless and efficient approaches that Ayesha provided created practical steps to get over the resistance I had to not only making courses as well as showing up to promote these offers. I made back the investment before the course was even over. I am showing up more than ever in my business now.

I enjoyed the potent and practical transmissions from Ayesha as well as the inspiring community. The metaphors she used to describe certain aspects in business just hit home providing deep clarity. Everyone apart of this space has genuine love and cheered each other on, a trait that shows just how special Ayesha is for attracting these types.

Ayesha brought back the joy in creating and branding

- Rebecca G

What else can one expect from Ayesha the Oath Oracle?! I am not the same person coming out of the container as I was going into it, and I am forever grateful to the person I was when I signed up for this course (it doesn’t even feel right calling it a “course” because it’s SO. MUCH. MORE. than that!).

Wealth Magician continues to blow my mind daily with realizations from the embodiment work. I’m excited to go through the recordings again so I can dig deeper: it’s an incredible practice to be able to connect with my higher self on a quantum timeline and bend time to become my future self in the here and now.

Highly recommend for ANYONE who wants to think about and experience money differently!  

Wealth Magician was nothing short of, well, magic. 

- Anoushka V.

Soul Business Accelerator completed fueled me to take massive MESSY ACTION!!! I've been stuck in not knowing how to move forward and knowing that other business owners experience this too and with the practical suggestions that Ayesha offered, I have a renewed energy to go after my dreams.

I have a renewed energy to go after my dreams.

(save over $2,200!)

pay in full


join NOW

per month x 12

payment plan


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BONUS 💎 Pay in full to receive a free week of private Voxer coaching with Ayesha, a $1111 value!



Frequently asked questions

No, this is not an Astrology program. This is a year long container on business energetics, magnetism, and manifestation courses channeled by Oath Oracle. These are the unique frameworks Ayesha has been embodying for years. You will however receive a few yummy bonuses like the live moon sessions and Astrology for Business: The Big Three. 

There are no 1:1 calls included in this container, but you will have the opportunity to get hot seat coaching and your questions answered in the monthly group calls. You will also receive exclusive offers for 1:1 work together.

No refunds are permitted. Please make this investment from a place of empowered choice and trust your intuition and inner authority.

This is created as a year long journey and your commitment is a crucial aspect of this evolution. Please make this investment from a place of empowered choice and trust your intuition and inner authority.

Lifetime access to the programs is only for anyone that pays in full or completes their 12 month payment plan. Please note: not every offering is lifetime access, such as the Moon sessions, but any program that does have lifetime access will be included.