It’s time …
To Turn Up the HEAT 🌶️💸❤️‍🔥 

Temperature is rising … Summer is here…

(At least here in the Northern Hemisphere. Southern hemisphere babes, this program will serve you as well as you cozy up for the winter!)

We all have a grand, majestic calling. And we have desires.

Desires for freedom, options, and flowing abundance that steadily stacks and overflows in our lives.

Also … we wanna have an amazing summer (or cozy nourishing winter for those in Southern Hemisphere).

Simply consuming and consuming course content won’t create the results we desire in business.

What actually creates results? What actually moves the needle forward in our business so we can receive the outcomes we desire?

in your soul centered business

We weren’t made to spend hours and hours in front of a screen.

Action which is strategically crafted and energetically potent.

There is a time and place for learning in courses, 90 minute modules, taking notes etc.
Trust me, I absolutely LOVE learning (I am a 1/3 Projector after all!)

But if we don’t do anything with that knowledge, it skews our ratio of creating vs consuming.

We can easily enter into a cycle of “Shiny object syndrome”. Seeing people have the results we want in business and thinking if we sign up to yet another course something may shift for us in our business too.

But it’s not about the information we cram into our brains.

It’s about who we Be in this world, and what we Do from that space.

Aligned. Action.

This creates the reality 

we desire to Have.

Would you like that, babes?

So what if this July…

Instead of wishing, hesitating, thinking… learning, studying, note taking… theorizing, hypothesizing, fantasizing…

What if I just told you HOW  TO MOVE THE NEEDLE FORWARD?

And you got to watch as your business thrives with greater impact, income and influence

uhh hell yeah!

the journey?

❤️‍🔥 Monday - Friday : You receive a Soul Biz Activity

Not a lengthy lesson… not a 90 min note taking session…

(I have other programs for that btw, all included within Sacred Business Evolution 😉)

But a tangible, needle moving activity to get you results.

These are the precise actions and strategies I have used to create over 7 figures in my business.

Something to execute on that day, knowing you made a powerful move, and then go outside and enjoy life.

Some are sales activities.
Some are social media activities.
Some are wealth generating.
Some days have journal prompts for the inner work, beliefs, mindset, & energetics.

🎧 Needle moving activities are delivered via Audio message.

✍🏽 Journal prompts are delivered via text.

💬 Held within Telegram.

Okay okay okay…
So what do you actually get in this program?

What is 

Within the Telegram community, you will find support, connection, and celebration.

When we move together, we make even bigger waves.
When we have accountability, we build momentum that helps us reach new levels.

From that point on, once you see the sales, the growth, the energy rising… There will be no looking back.

This program focuses on the WHAT and the HOW… so you can get results while having the most amazing July, full of quality time and presence.

There will also be energetic and intentional offerings for us to bring in to our weekends, keeping inspiration + magic flowing.

- Laura G

seamlessly blended with energetics and spirituality.  She seamlessly wove together high level biz strategy with energetics/spirituality which is SO rare to experience. I'm the kind of person that feels very overwhelmed by biz strategy and tend to procrastinate making moves but this course gave me step by step, practical, bite sized advice that did not feel overwhelming to me AT ALL. I'm newer to the online biz world, and the information in this course will absolutely serve my biz for YEARS to come. 

the perfect blend of practical, easy to digest, down to earth, EFFECTIVE advice...

- Anoushka V.

SBA completed fueled me to take massive MESSY ACTION!!! I've been stuck in not knowing how to move forward and knowing that other business owners experience this too and with the practical suggestions that Ayesha offered, I have a renewed energy to go after my dreams.

I have a renewed energy to go after my dreams.

- Areege C.

Ahhhhh so many new ideas and a FRESH bolt of excitement! I finally feel like I'm on-track and MOVING again! Ayesha's passion & energy is just so contagious, I feel RE-VITALIZED!!!! Through the immersion, I was able to notice my blind spots and what exact areas of my business needed attention. With that awareness, allllll the relevant action-steps became obvious. And now I'm just riding this beautiful wave of MOMENTUM!!!! I feel like I'm being catapulted into my next-level in an EXTREMELY tangible + practical way. Plus, I no longer feel like I have to wait for 'divine timing'... I know what is in my control & how to sustain this sensation of forward movement myself.

 I feel like I'm being catapulted into my next-level 

- Kiran K.

It kept me in momentum and within in energy to take action and make a change within my current strategy. Ayesha's energy really held the space and kept me inspired and excited to put in the work, be present and utilise the time we had in the space to its maximum. There was so much information and strategy Ayesha shared,

Ayesha doesn't leave anything uncovered

- Jenna D.

SSM was a complete game changer for me and transformed my relationship with social media. The way that Ayesha teaches the strategy and energetics behind her approach to social media is so accessible and empowering that I immediately saw results after implementing. My reach was up over 500%, my engagement up over 300%, and I doubled my follower growth... Ayesha’s generosity of her medicine is infused throughout this container and really supported a transformation in how I approach my social media. Instead of feeling weighed down, I now feel empowered by it and have booked my first paying clients as a result. Thank you, Ayesha, for opening a door for me that I didn’t know could be opened.

Ayesha truly allowed me to step into my power.

Sales are the life-blood of your business.

Sales = potential transformations for actual humans out there, with beating hearts, Souls that desire to be fully expressed, and desires that are here to become manifest.

Sales = nourishment for you and your mission.

Sales = a beautiful Soul feeling resonant with your work and desiring to be in exchange with you, and being courageous enough to invest in themselves via your offerings.

Sales = divine invitations for people to enter a new timeline.

Feel weird about sales?
You are not alone.

I will teach you sales in a way that is fun, authentic, and full of Soul.

Opening & cultivating the flow of new energy on your social media platforms.

This means new eyes on your work,
new potential clients streaming in daily,
and connections made that could continue for YEARS in your work.

This is about expression,
serving the collective, creativity,
all complemented with
proven strategies to see the
growth you desire.

Zero inauthenticity required!

When you are receiving abundant prosperity for your work, even more of you becomes available to be devoted to your mission.

Can you imagine a world where more and more of us were living that reality and making the impact we came here to have???

I can.. I imagine it all the time and it is my vision for the New Earth.

Money is currency and energy.

When we have more of this energy, we can flow it to so many areas of life. From our health, to our communities, our families, our artistic expression, travel dreams, and so much more.




 up the 


if so,


social media growth

stacking cash







Are you willing to be one more human actually living fully expressed in these areas of life?

Are you willing to claim your desire for abundance and become a beacon of it in this world?




Everything in Mastermind VIP
2x Private Coaching Calls with Ayesha

Only 2 seats

luxe vip

mastermind vip

level up


One month of
daily effective business strategies for sales, social media & wealth

Engaged & Supportive Telegram community

Everything in Level Up

1 month intimate Mastermind Voxer 

Max 15 seats


See you july 1st, loves!



4 seats claimed!

❤️‍🔥 Goal setting process to kick off the month 
❤️‍🔥 5 x effective, tangible, needle moving actions each week
❤️‍🔥 Astrology for business insights based on current transits
❤️‍🔥 Supportive, engaged community
❤️‍🔥 VIP upgrade options
❤️‍🔥 Juicy giveaway 😻
❤️‍🔥 BONUS : Full Moon in Cap + New Moon in Cancer meditation audios (value $111)
❤️‍🔥 BONUS : my Quantum Quarters goal setting process as we move into Q3 (value $111)

You receive...

The VIP upgrade options are for you.

Choose between an intimate group Voxer mastermind for direct coaching from me Tuesday - Friday each week, and quantum leap your progress…

Or go super Luxe and get the program, the group mastermind, PLUS two private coaching calls with me.

Spots are highly limited so act fast if you feel called.

Desiring greater proximity & a higher touch experience?

Treat yourself babes.
The time is NOW for us to devote to our purpose paths.








Their highest revenue months, again and again

Throwing away the rules and conditioning that was limiting them

Feeling more authentic and in flow than ever

Attracting soulmate clients with ease

Filling up their first programs

Invitations to amazing podcasts and other opportunities like public speaking 

Doing what they love, how they want, and absolutely thriving full time in their biz

My clients have created results such as:

Time freedom to travel business class internationally throughout the year

Over 7 figures in total revenue

Over 500k in 2023 so far (on track for first 7 figure year)

Working under 20 hours per week 

Loving life 🥺 A better quality of life than ever






Using these simple, consistent, effective strategies …
 I have created:

let's talk


(save over $2,200)

pay in full


join today

per month x 12

payment plan


join today



This is included in...

the absolute best value to be mentored by me in business


Frequently asked questions

This is for you if you …

- Want to start off your summer with juicy business gains while living your best life
- Desire to boost sales
- Are ready to stack cash
- Want to know what to do to grow your biz, sales, socials….
AND - are actually willing to do the work and follow through 🗝️
- Want to make more impact & connect to soul aligned clients via social media
- Are willing to try new things and be open to my suggestions
- Are in a place to invest in this program and it feels activating, juicy, and expansive

This is NOT for you if …

- You don’t have a business yet. Check out Soul Business Accelerator instead!
- You don’t want to put any time or energy towards leveling up your sales, socials, and cash
- You aren’t willing to be open minded toward the strategies offered
- You want long classes & powerpoint presentations
- You are committed to the struggle

Ayesha is fully confident that implementation and execution of the strategies within this program will help your business grow and thrive. However, we are unable to guarantee any specific financial results.

Due to the digital nature of this program there are no refunds permitted.

1:1 support is exclusive to the Luxe VIP upgrade, which includes 2 private calls with Ayesha.
Intimate group support is available through Voxer for 1 month with the Mastermind VIP upgrade.