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πŸ‘‘ Full Moon in LEO πŸ”₯

posted by

Ayesha Durrani


Ayesha's vision is New Paradigm conscious business, financial freedom, and liberation for all creators, so we can thrive, explore our Potential, own our Power and stand in our Purpose, each of us co-creating a beautiful & ethical world with our Soul work.

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The full moon in Leo will be exact at:

February 5 @ 10:28am PST / 1:28pm EST / 6:28pm GMT / 11:58pm IST

February 6 @ 5:28am AEST

This full moon in Leo is a confrontation to whatever has been blocking our highest and most creative expression of Self.

Leo is the sign of fun, joy, play. The Divine Child of the Universe.

The King / Queen / Royal. The Performer.

And this lunation is an ENDING to whatever past patterns have blocked you from accessing the highest expressions of these archetypes..

An initiation into true Main Character Energy,

& radical Self Love.

We must sacrifice past patterns to the future we are birthing.

We must be willing to let go of past identities to birth ourselves into new levels of authentic power.

Leo rules the chest and upper spine.

Through the alchemy of this portal we will walk out on the other side with our heads held high, regal posture, grounded and rooted in divine confidence in all that we are.

But what we will be called to work through, individually, may shock us and disrupt our personal status quo.

We must be willing to see where WE have been complicit in self-censorship, insecurity loops, dimming our own light, being inauthentic in any way, and hungrily seeking external validation.

Through working with this possible, we will unlock truer EXPRESSION that is an overflow of our essence.

Its a clearing of performative energy that opens us up to the radical authenticity which actually ends up magnetizing the standing ovation, the engaged audience, the platform and recognition.

πŸŒ• Full Moon in Leo Horoscopes πŸŒ•

β™ˆοΈ Aries Sun / Moon / Rising

Revolutionizing your relationship to play, art, joy, and fun.

Rebirth in Creative Self Expression. Artistry awakening.

Liberating your inner child to come out and play.

Clearing past romantic & artistic disappointments.

Opening up to flirtation, romance, courtship,

Feeling ignited and turned on.

♉️ Taurus Sun / Moon / Rising

Disruption and rebirth in the realm of Home & Family.

Ancestry. Lineage. Mother energy. Nurturing.

Real estate shake ups may be involved.

You can transmute blocks inherited from lineage.

You were born to be the Cycle Breaker in your family.

Own it, and make sure to care for yourself tenderly at this time.

β™Š Gemini Sun / Moon / Rising

Transformation to the communication of your message.

Shaking up your beliefs around content & being understood.

The end of a way of relating to social media and communication.

Transforming relationship with social media.

Social media clearing. Rebranding. Liberating your voice.

Writing. Podcasting. Enjoy the flow of ideas + inspiration.

β™‹ Cancer Sun / Moon / Rising

Self worth. Embodiment. Pleasure.

Financial security. Stability. Being resourced AF.

Root down to rise up into your desired lifestyle.

Luxury. Quality. Unfuckwithable worthiness.

To access this you must bring an end to stories you hold that contradict these desires.

Work with the body. Slow down. Receive.

Your wealth will grow organically when you do the work.

β™ŒοΈ Leo Sun / Moon / Rising

Your big reveal. Radiant. Bold. Assertive.

Your glow up full moon.

Your transformation is ready to be embodied, expressed, seen.

This is the debut of the new you.

This may be shocking to others. Allow it.

Are you willing to let go of past versions of Self?

If so, new levels of Royal Frequency will emanate from you.

♍️ Virgo Sun / Moon / Rising

Transformation rippling from the deep subconscious.

You may not love looking at what is revealed.

Yet this is the deep work that impacts all areas of life.

Liberate your passion, self expression, romance, creativity.

By releasing fear, addiction, self-sabotage, martyrdom, escapism.

Turn to Spirit for support as you heal on the deepest levels.

Rest. Pray. Cry. Dance. Meditate. Dream. Surrender.

β™ŽοΈ Libra Sun / Moon / Rising

Revolution in your friend groups and communities.

Endings, confrontations or drama may occur.

This creates space for your true soul family to align with you.

Never dim your light to fit in or be accepted.

There is also a rebirth with your hopes, dreams, & wishes.

Your vision for the future is transforming.

Don’t cling – allow it and be freed!

♏️ Scorpio Sun / Moon / Rising

Major transformation in the realm of Career, Legacy, Success.

Anything ending at this time is destined to go or rebirth.

You may receive recognition or a major manifestation.

Don’t dim your light or dilute your dreams.

If the Tower is falling in this area of life, trust in what lies beyond.

You are here to create profound impact through your work.

Trust in the path and surrender to the shifts.

♐️ Sagittarius Sun / Moon / Rising

Transformation of beliefs, philosophies, and faith.

Release of religious trauma and dogmatic view points.

The end of an education cycle. Some form of graduation.

Stepping up as Student, Seeker, Teacher, Mentor, or Guide.

Your unique path is the adventure of a lifetime.

Your embodied wisdom is ready to be expressed.

β™‘ Capricorn Sun / Moon / Rising

The ultimate Death / Rebirth moon for you this year.

Profound transformation. Release from deep within the psyche.

Be willing to take a cold hard look at finances and intimacy.

Trauma healing. Money work. Lineage / inheritance.

Transformation of money stories. Culmination / Manifestation.

Do the work + Alchemize shadow into pure potential.

You will rise as the Phoenix with profound power.

β™’ Aquarius Sun / Moon / Rising

Awakening + Evolution within partnership.

Existing partnerships transform (or end). Rebirth of Reciprocity.

Release past disappointments in partnership & collaborations.

Learn from past broken agreements.

Get clear on boundaries, desires, and non-negotiables.

Release co-dependency. Choose secure attachment.

Ending, culmination, manifestation.

New depths of connection with people on your level.

β™“ Pisces Sun / Moon / Rising
Rebirth of health, wellness, radiance, productivity, organization.

A “Get your shit together” moon.

Great time to release toxic habits & implement healthy new ones.

Not from a place of restriction or guilt. From a place of SELF LOVE.

Does your current lifestyle truly serve you?

If not, let it burn.

Nourishment. Momentum. Vitality. JUST DO IT !

An absolute game changer.

So much potential to expand into more of who we are, our destiny, aligning the way we hold ourselves, they way we express, connect, play, the way we lead…

Yet the journey there requires us to let go of so much.

This time is confrontational. Shocking external events may challenge us. There may be losses or really tough conversations.

It will become clear what we need to let go of or release ourselves from.

But it’s up to us in our Free Will to choose our path,

or else fall back into the default comfort zone no matter how much it’s holding us back.

Through this journey we find magic on the other side.

Radical self love. Healthy pride and ego. Expression that comes from essence. Artistry that is alive and vital. Romance that lights us up and blows open our hearts.

πŸŒ… As a Leo rising, I am stripping off layers of defense that have been blocking my light in the name of “protection”.

β˜€οΈ As an Aquarius sun, I am opening to romance as well as aligned collaborators, partners, clients. I must release past hurts & disappointments so they don’t imprint upon new connections.

πŸŒ™ As a Pisces moon, I am doubling down on self care, my meditation practice, & currently detoxing in preparation for ayahuasca ceremony very soon. (Day 5 no coffee! Haven’t gone this long without coffee in 10 years, I am feeling great once the headaches passed)

What are you ready to release into the transformational flames of this Full Moon?

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