oath oracle

πŸŒ‘ New Moon Equinox in Aries πŸ”₯

posted by

Ayesha Durrani


Ayesha's vision is New Paradigm conscious business, financial freedom, and liberation for all creators, so we can thrive, explore our Potential, own our Power and stand in our Purpose, each of us co-creating a beautiful & ethical world with our Soul work.

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The Equinox new moon in Aries will be exact at:

✦ March 21 : 10:23am PT / 1:23pm ET / 5:23pm GMT / 10:53pm IST
✦ March 22 : 4:23am AEST

A bold manifestation portal with extraordinary potential.

In divine alignment with the first day of the Astrological year.

An invitation into courageous, inspired action towards our most fulfilling Soul desires, destiny, and purpose.

Calling us to dream bigger than we have ever dared to.

To go forth into the unknown, on the path of our wildest dreams.

No longer waiting for permission.


Risk taking.

Warrior Awakening.

Aligned with Equinox.

Conscious creation.

New Moon at 0 degrees of Aries, a critical degree signifying limitless potential for brand new beginning.

Aries is ruled by Mars. New Moon is Tuesday, day of Mars.

Square to Mars and sextile to Pluto.

Mars quincunx Pluto.

Mercury, Chiron & Jupiter in Aries as well.

We are being called to reflect on our relationship to power, desire, action, integrity, boundaries, and taking initiative.

There is a FINALITY to this New Moon with both Mars and Pluto in the final degrees, and Pluto ruling death & transformation.

There is nothing subtle about this,

The manifestations that are destined to unfold require the death of who we thought we were, as we emerge as more of who we ARE.

πŸŒ‘ Equinox New Moon in Aries Horoscopes πŸŒ‘

β™ˆοΈ Aries Sun / Moon / Rising

Glow Up of the highest proportions.

Breakthrough in how you express yourself in this world.

Taking your full space in this world (without dominating others).

No one needs to shrink for your full power to BLAZE.

You are the Sacred Warrior. A fierce leader.

The world is taking notice.

♉️ Taurus Sun / Moon / Rising

New beginning in the realm of your deep subconscious.

This is a profound rebirth that will ripple out into all areas of life.

Emotional healing. Transmuting fear. Releasing the past.

Choose beliefs that actually support your highest desires.

Surrender to the processes taking place within you.

Compassion, music, dance, prayer, meditation are your medicine.

Forgive as deeply as you can. Yourself. Others. Life itself.

Miracles await your inner journey.

β™Š Gemini Sun / Moon / Rising

Bold fresh start in of groups, friendships, and your future vision.

Planting the seeds of your highest hopes, dreams, and visions.

Networking. Call in aligned community & expanders.

You are stepping up into leadership.

You have something special to share with the collective.

Are you willing to claim this & take bold action?

♋️ Cancer Sun / Moon / Rising

Powerful new beginning in Career!

Boss energy. CEO codes landing. Unlocking new levels of Success.

Take responsibility for creating the success you desire.

Authority. Recognition. Impact. And even Fame.

What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?

Fortune favours the Bold.

Go for it!!!!!

β™ŒοΈ Leo Sun / Moon / Rising

Rebirth of your sense of adventure.

Igniting Faith and Optimism in this wild journey called life.

Stepping up as a teacher, author, spiritual guide.

Your world is expanding beyond what you thought possible.

Can it all be one glorious adventure?

Your journey is fueled by passion & faith in the path.

Release Dogma, and embrace Expansion.

♍️ Virgo Sun / Moon / Rising

Profound Transformation. Wealth. Shadow work.

Alchemy of who you thought you were…

Into who you are meant to BECOME.

Power. Intimacy. Money. Business. Death / Rebirth.

Debt. Loans. Mortgage.

(Receiving or completing, both favoured)

Money magnetism.

β™ŽοΈ Libra Sun / Moon / Rising

Bold rebirth in relating.

Collaboration. Reciprocity. Balance. Harmony.

Romantic / business partnerships / close friendships.

Secure attachment. Give / Take. Agreements & desires.

How can you honour your Truth while connecting with others?

Romanticize life, with yourself or a partner.

♏️ Scorpio Sun / Moon / Rising

New beginning in the sacred structures of your day.

The best New Moon to initiate new healthy habits.

Make choices that serve your vitality.

Nourishment. Physical activity. Tidying your spaces.

Set yourself up for success with a yummy morning routine.

Spirit is calling you to boldly shake up your routine.

This empowers all areas of your life.

♐️ Sagittarius Sun / Moon / Rising

Bold renewal of creativity & self expression.

Inner child awakening. New levels of fun, joy and play.

Shine your unique light in this world.

New start in dating, romance, flirtation.

Follow your sense of passion, play, and pleasure.

Express your life force energy. New artistic project.

β™‘ Capricorn Sun / Moon / Rising

Going deep within the realms of Home, Family, Mother, Roots.

Manifesting your dream home and long term security.

Mother healing. Womb healing. Family healing.

You may need more rest and time alone for the moment.

Cultivate your own sense of Home and Security within yourself.

Your Ancestors love you and are so proud of you.

Receive their support.

β™’ Aquarius Sun / Moon / Rising

Communication refresh / reinvigoration.

Liberate your Voice, your Message, your Song.

You get to be your authentic, weird, brilliant Self.

Rebrand social media / marketing. Refresh your message.

Social media means what you make it mean. Be Bold AF.

Conversation, study, & writing open up new pathways.

β™“ Pisces Sun / Moon / Rising

Rebirth in the realm of Self-Worth & Wealth.

Planting seeds of security, prosperity, pleasure, and resource.

You came here to have an earthly experience.

How can you land more deeply in your physical expression?

Connect to the feeling of already having all that you desire.

Feel these sensations in your body as vividly as possible.

A new chapter with Money begins right now.

Together we boldly claim our individual destiny paths,
creating a collective of self-expressed humans who overflow their magic into the world around us.

We won’t receive these manifestations through wishing, hoping, and being passive.

These manifestations require our transformation, and the death of everything we have been identifying with that has been taking us away from our true power and essence.

And for us to raise our standards, hold our boundaries at new levels, and align our actions with what we desire to experience.

Together we are turning a corner,
beginning a brand new story,
decisively claiming our next level,
& going for the BIG DREAM.

With harsh aspect with Mars (and Mars making an awkward yet fruitful quincunx to Pluto), we should watch out for the shadow potentials of dominance and aggression.

Aries is a competitive sign, and this can be channelled in a healthy way when we remember we are in competition only with our past selves.

Stay in your lane and channel this pure fire into your own creations.

We are building massive momentum.

Let’s use this for our own unique path, rather than leaking it away by paying too much attention to what others are doing / being / having.

πŸ”₯ What would it mean to bet on yourself right now?

πŸ”₯ What would you do if you could not fail?

πŸ”₯ What is your bold vision for life?

πŸ”₯ What do you claim with this New Moon?

Always remember that your Desires chose you for a reason.


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