oath oracle

Full Moon in Gemini

posted by

Ayesha Durrani


Ayesha's vision is New Paradigm conscious business, financial freedom, and liberation for all creators, so we can thrive, explore our Potential, own our Power and stand in our Purpose, each of us co-creating a beautiful & ethical world with our Soul work.

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An intense and potentially volatile full moon to cap off the year.

The final Full Moon of 2022, exact on:

December 7 : 8:08pm PT / 11:08pm ET

December 8 : 4:08am GMT / 9:38am IST / 3:08pm AEST

A stormy lunar release.

A clearing and purging of limiting beliefs and misconceptions about why we do what we do.

Opening the way for the limitless possibility of 2023.

Shifting internal narratives to those that serve what you actually desire to experience,

and what you came here to Be, Do, & Have.

Inside of each of us is a Universe of archetypes.

Facets of Self with different needs, expressions, desires, personalities.

Multi-dimensional and uber versatile Gemini is an amazing teacher for us now.

As we take a moment to reflect on which archetypes within us became very developed (through nature and nurture)

and which have not yet been developed… but desire to?

For example, each of us has an entrepreneurial spirit of some kind. What if this part of you desires to be developed now?

I hadn’t developed the entrepreneurial facet of myself until my early thirties.

And what did that matter?

The story that was playing out was that since I left school, I would not have a good career.

Until I did the work to shift my internal narrative and open to more possibilities, I didn’t even see the option to start a business.

I released limiting stories that I had inherited or been conditioned with.

& I became a 7 figure entrepreneur, featured in publications like Forbes and launched a top 10 podcast.

This is simply one example.

The stories we tell ourselves run our lives.

They dictate what we see as possible, which significantly impacts what we will take action towards, which alters the fabric of our reality.

Gemini is a shape-shifter.

It doesn’t matter what you have been before.

You can always create yourself again,

in each new moment.

We rebirth each morning that we open our eyes.

But the same loops keep playing, as we tend to think the same thoughts and re-inforce the same beliefs.

With a tight conjunction with Mars,

impulsive and potentially reckless action is on the forecast.

With Mars still in retrograde, it is clear that the beliefs that are meant to transform at this Full Moon directly correlate to HOW and WHY we take action.

Mars and this Full Moon are in my 11th house of groups, community, and internet… social media.

Mars also rules my MC in Aries and 4th house in Scorpio.

I have been deeeeep diving into WHY I post online, WHERE my expression comes from, and WHAT motivates action in my business.

I had to deeply clear conditioning around obligation, lack, expectation, and “good girl” energy that I thought would keep me safe and loved.

I had to find the true spark that motivates creation in my life. Not money, not likes, not follows. The TRUE essence and pulse of my expression.

This is an ongoing journey, as Mars retrograde continues until January 12, 2023.

With the final Full Moon of the year conjuncting this powerful re-evaluation of our drives,

it is clear that we have an opportunity to profoundly release the limiting stories about ourselves, what is possible for us, and the world around us. The beliefs we don’t want to bring into 2023.

So that when we are ready to move forward again, it is in the highest alignment.

Mars also rules anger and boundaries.

Gemini rules communication.

When imbalanced, we can express anger through cutting words that slice into others.

When healthy, we verbalize our boundaries with clarity and express anger in healthy ways that focus on emotional release rather than the punishment or harm of others.

This Full Moon will illuminate where your boundaries are needing reinforcement, where you are being invited to clearly communicate to others your new standards.

It is also a powerful time to get CURIOUS about your anger, boundaries, and motivations in life.

If you are curious to learn how to work with transits in this way, I have a few options from free to premium investment.

✨ Download my free Astrology guide and look up the house that the Full Moon falls in. You can read my interpretation in the guide and connect the dots yourself about what this means for you.

✨ Check out my previous post on Mars Rx

✨ Do my Moon Manifestation masterclass to learn my exact frameworks for lunar manifestation and working with YOUR unique birth chart

✨ Join Cosmic Success Codes, my signature Astrology program

✨ Work with me privately in a single session, Soul Legacy coaching, or the Business Oracle package for 2023. DM to enquire.

Stay balanced with breath and the body.

Write your thoughts down, pour the noise out on the paper to clear your mind.

This is a great moon to write a letter and then burn it. (Gemini = Words. Mars = Warrior. We don’t always need to send these letters, it’s more about our own release a lot of the time.)

🔥 What do you release at this Full Moon?

🔥 What belief systems are stale and limiting, and simply do not serve who you are Becoming in this next chapter?

🔥 Are you willing to let go of the old stories in order to write, create, and LIVE a new one?

🔥 What if you didn’t need to change who you are in order to manifest your desires… what if you simply needed to release everything you are NOT?

Release what you do not desire to carry into 2023.

And be open and curious about the possibilities that lie ahead when we shift and re-wire our beliefs and internal narratives.

So much love,

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