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Venus in Pisces 🌊 

posted by

Ayesha Durrani


Ayesha's vision is New Paradigm conscious business, financial freedom, and liberation for all creators, so we can thrive, explore our Potential, own our Power and stand in our Purpose, each of us co-creating a beautiful & ethical world with our Soul work.

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Venus has entered the ethereal dream realms of Pisces, where it transits January 26 through February 19.

A fantasy journey through the sign of imagination, healing, mysticism, and flow.

Replenishment in the depths of our Souls.

The medicine of pure beauty, unity consciousness, and oneness with all of life.

An overflow of Unconditional Love that reaches every corner of our lives.

Rehydrating any area of life that has become rigid, stale, or contracted.

In Pisces, Venus is in her exaltation.

This allows the highest expressions of Venus energy to emanate through the collective during this period.

Pisces rules unconditional love, forgiveness, and compassion. Some of the highest frequencies of Love imaginable.

This is the energy of fairy tales, dreams come true, and happily ever after.

Sweet reveries, pulsating nostalgia that brings us to tears, the beauty of simply existing.

It’s blissful and transcendental, almost psychedelic.

Although Venus is exalted in Pisces, there are still shadow potentials to be aware of.

This includes fantasy taken too far, delusion, deception, rose-coloured glasses, martyrdom, lacking boundaries, self -sabotage behaviour and saviour energy.

We see the very best in others at this time, but we can’t treat people based on the potential we perceive within them. People (especially lovers) must choose their potential with their free will.

Also, we can never truly save or heal anyone. We can only support them to find their own path.

When people show you who they are, BELIEVE THEM!

Don’t make excuses for shitty behaviour and treatment.

These very shadows also apply to money.

Venus rules wealth and in Pisces she is happy to give the shirt off her back. Which, once again, is a beautiful generosity coming from a love for all…

But when taken too far it can become harmful and coming from a place of self-sacrifice rather than authentic altruism.

Be careful with money and investments at this time.

Double check the fine print, take time making investment decisions, and invest for the right reasons.

We can be deceived at this time or buy into a fantasy.

There are many plus sides to Venus in Pisces when it comes to money as well!

This includes attracting and receiving wealth through our artistic endeavours, psychic gifts, intuition, and healing abilities.

For artists and healers, this is a wonderful time of increased wealth frequency.

Also a great time for manifesting, opening ourselves up to money from surprising sources, and believing in the sweetness of our dreams to be able to support us financially as well.

Believe, trust, and surrender to the desires of your Soul.

You WILL be provided for by Spirit.

We open to deeper love with Self and Others when we partake in the Pisces super medicines of forgiveness, and compassion.

Releasing past romantic disappointments will be like soothing water washing over the tenderness. A salve of spiritual love that heals all wounds.

This opens us to receive the true love that we dream of and deserve… uncontaminated by whatever has been experienced in the past.

This is a time to fall in love, not only with others, but with Self, our businesses, and Life itself.

We increase our beauty and wealth frequencies through magic, mysticism, healing, and energy work.

Meditation and visualization are profound and potent, even more so than usual.

By plugging in directly to Spirit we receive life force energy in every cell of our body. This even makes our skin glow and our eyes shine with the radiance of our Soul essence… the most beautiful energy of all!

If you want to call in wealth, visualize it as golden sparkling light that saturates every fibre of your being!

Become the embodiment of what you desire, and you will attract it.

The house Venus is transiting on your birth chart gives you even more insight on which area of life is the main recipient of this gorgeous energy.

To find out, look on your birth chart and find the house where Pisces lands.

Wherever they hit, let the waves of this transit wash over you.

Sweet ripples of love as deep as the ocean.

Love for Self, for beauty, for life.

And bathe in the soft frequencies of your highest dreams and deepest Soul desires.

Knowing that life IS in fact inherently magic and miraculous, and we are in participation with it always.

🌊 Are you willing to believe in the sweetness of your true soul desires?

🌊 What would you do if you KNEW that life would support the actualization of your dreams?

🌊 What are you ready to forgive and release, in order to make more room to receive the miracles on their way to you right now?

🌊 What are you an artist of? Are you ready to open to move creative flow in your life?

🌊 What if life was your masterpiece, waiting for you to animate it with your creative energy?

🌊 How would life shift if you began to romanticize each moment?

🌊 What rose coloured glasses are ready to fall, so that you can see the true path of miracles that is meant for you?

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