πŸŒ‘ New Moon in Taurus πŸ‘‘

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Ayesha Durrani


Ayesha's vision is New Paradigm conscious business, financial freedom, and liberation for all creators, so we can thrive, explore our Potential, own our Power and stand in our Purpose, each of us co-creating a beautiful & ethical world with our Soul work.

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The new moon in Taurus, at 28Β°, is exact:

May 19 βœ¦ 8:53am PT / 11:53am ET / 4:53pm GMT / 9:23pm IST

May 20 βœ¦ 1:53am AEST


The first New Moon after eclipse season and Merc Rx.

Taurus is a manifestation master.

The sign of earthly pleasures.

Material possessions.

Financial wealth.




Mercury retrograded through Taurus, re-wiring and re-coding our beliefs about these themes.

Uranus is revolutionizing the themes of Taurus over years.

The North Node of Destiny has been calling us to deepen into & cultivate the healthiest expressions of Taurus.

And now we have this powerful AF New Moon, asking us, with what we now understand.. what do we choose to create, manifest, and actualize in the 3D?

Taurus is a sign of stability, beauty, and abundance.

Ruled by Venus, this archetype of luxurious AF.

Yet we have tense, harsh, and volatile aspects at this New Moon.

Power dynamics come into play with an explosive T-Square involving Mars, Jupiter & Pluto.

We have the sheer inner power, determination, & resources to create heaven on earth right now.

Yet if we are not grounded in integrity, we risk acting recklessly as we attempt to create desired outcomes. We could push too hard, go overboard, be forceful, and actually set ourselves back or even cause damage.

Rejecting power isn’t the answer.

This is a call to Heart-led Leadership & High Service.

This is a lesson in the healthy use of Power, something we need as we build the New Earth.

The New Moon itself is receiving harmonious, empowering, and passionate activation from Mars and Pluto.

With New Moon sextile Mars, our drives are aligned towards security, emotional fulfillment, and exquisite quality of life, and we are willing to do what it takes to create this.

Initiative, risk-taking (in a balanced grounded way), boldness & boundaries pay off big time.

New Moon trine Pluto lets us know that we will permanently transform into higher versions of Self as we manifest our next levels with this New Moon.

Mars opposite Pluto brings intensity and passion that can become fuel for creation and manifestation.

However, we have to use this raw power with wisdom and integrity, or we will no longer be in alignment with Highest Good & our Destiny timeline.

Stay connected to your Higher desires.

πŸŒ‘ New Moon in Horoscopes πŸŒ‘

β™ˆοΈ Aries Sun / Moon / Rising

Planting seeds of long term prosperity & wealth

Anchoring unfuckwithable Self Worth.

Overflow. Abundance. Wealth on every level.

New income streams. Expensive energy.

Rebirth of your value system and embodiment.

Boldly claiming your earthly desires.

♉️ Taurus Sun / Moon / Rising

Shattering of who you used to be.

In order to birth your most powerful expression of Self.

Rebirth in how you move through this world.

Appearance. Emanation. Presence. Identity.

This isn’t about what you do or have.

It’s about who you BE.

This will then be reflected in your external reality as well.

Glow up of epic proportions.

β™Š Gemini Sun / Moon / Rising

Powerful rebirth in the deepest realms of your subconscious.

Shattering fear, martyrdom, and self-sabotage patterns.

Illuminating and shifting avoidance patterns.

Forgiveness & Compassion are miraculous frequencies.

Support yourself with meditation, music, dance.

Surrender to the process. Feel, cry, rest.

This is part of the unfolding of your manifestations.

β™‹ Cancer Sun / Moon / Rising

Friend groups, community, networking.

Let misaligned connections go. Align with soul family.

A new cycle in group client work. Leadership.

Activation of your highest hopes, dreams & wishes.

What is your highest goal and dream vision for the future?

Do your actions align with your aspirations?

Believe in your vision. Protect hope.

β™ŒοΈ Leo Sun / Moon / Rising

Rebirth in the realm of life’s work & legacy.

Quantum leap in career, fame, recognition, & reputation.

Taurus rules stable wealth & abundance.

Your Soul Work gets to be the channel for prosperity.

Your true legacy is meant to liberate you.

Claim your highest fulfillment in career / business.

♍️ Virgo Sun / Moon / Rising

Revitalization of your Quest & meaning of life.

Renewal of your sense of Faith & Optimism.

Possibilities. Travel. Life = ADVENTURE!

New cycle of deep study, education, philosophy & wisdom.

It may be time for you to step up into the role of Teacher / Guide

Mentorship. Publishing. Beliefs.

Seek, share, & embody wisdom.

β™ŽοΈ Libra Sun / Moon / Rising

Void. Death / Rebirth. Utter transformation.

Money. Business. Finance. Debt. Joint resources.

Intimacy. Merging. Primal power & desire.

A next level in the mastery of your Power.

Might not feel fun. You may need to fall like The Tower.

Miracles await when you give yourself to the transformation.

♏️ Scorpio Sun / Moon / Rising

Rebirth in partnership, 1-on-1 work, marriage.

Reciprocity revolution. Balance . Harmony in partnership.

New cycle with existing partners.

Collaboration. Healthy compromise.

What are your non-negotiables in relationship?

How have your boundaries & desires changed over time?

What do your relationships Mirror back to you?

How has self-worth impacted your 1-to-1 partnerships?

♐️ Sagittarius Sun / Moon / Rising

Rebirth in rituals, routines, productivity, & day to day structure.

Choosing new, healthy, enriching habits.

It’s not about restriction. It’s about RADIANCE.

This actually supports you to enjoy life more deeply.

Being anchored in your body while working, eating, moving, living.

Nourishing yourself with intention & presence.

β™‘ Capricorn Sun / Moon / Rising

New cycle of creative self expression.

Dating. Romance. Flirtation.

Play, Fun, Joy! Conception of creative projects.

(As well as potential conception of child)

Inner Child healing helps you open to more abundance.

How do you desire to express your light in this world?

Life is your canvas & playground. Laugh and enjoy.

β™’ Aquarius Sun / Moon / Rising

Home. Family. Lineage. Ancestry. Womb. Divine Mother.

New levels of safety and sanctuary.

Taurus energy is connected to the land, security & stability.

Open to receive resources to help you feel deeply secure.

Real estate. Deep roots. Your sacred space.

Receive the love & support of your ancestors.

β™“ Pisces Sun / Moon / Rising

Rebirth of your Message & Communication.

Social media rebrand. New platforms. Liberating your Voice.

The world needs your song.

Strengthen self worth in order to communicate your magic.

Local community. Siblings. Media.

Mental acuity. Clarity. Curiosity.

You are a channeller, Pisces. Let it flow!

We have been through MAJOR shifts, deaths / rebirths, & letting go of what we thought we knew to be true.

We floated through the Void space without clarity and answers,

We became more comfortable with the unknown, a necessary craft to harness as we move into the Aquarian Age.

And now, a manifestation portal sparks in the sign of material wealth, pleasure, embodiment, and beauty.

Clarity is arriving now that reality has rearranged.

Our Self worth has levelled up,

our ideas and beliefs about money and security have evolved,

our embodiment has deepened.

We are new versions of Self.

This New Moon is asking…

πŸ‘‘ What do we desire to Create?

Always remember loves, that you are a Creator in this life.

There are no “extra pieces” in this Universe. We are all here for a reason and equipped with power beyond what we currently understand.

As we move into the Age of Aquarius, our ability to create via evolved consciousness will blow up what we thought to be true about creation and this life.

πŸ‘‘ Do you feel this power awakening within you?

πŸ‘‘ What would you do if there was no failure?

πŸ‘‘ What if EVERYTHING you have ever experienced happened for a specific purpose, to bring you to this moment, to open up the path to Destiny?

πŸ‘‘ What do you claim and create with this New Moon?

πŸ‘‘ What would it FEEL LIKE somatically in your body to receive and live your desires?

πŸ—οΈ By taking the time to cultivate these sensations in your body NOW, you close the gap between yourself and what you desire.

So much love,

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