oath oracle

Episode #25: [Vulnerable share] My Quantum Q3

posted by

Ayesha Durrani


Ayesha's vision is New Paradigm conscious business, financial freedom, and liberation for all creators, so we can thrive, explore our Potential, own our Power and stand in our Purpose, each of us co-creating a beautiful & ethical world with our Soul work.

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Welcome, Loves…

to The Business Oracle Podcast

But what spirit is calling us to, what that golden thread leads to, will always, always, always be greater, more majestic, and infinitely more fulfilling than what we can see in our limited human perception.

As I’ve always said right from my first months in business, we have to be willing to die to who we thought we were in order to rise as who we came here to become.

In signature Ayesha fashion, this vulnerable share is so much more than a reflection on her quarter three plan. 

It’s an intimate look at the transformation of a soul led CEO.

A poem in awe and celebration of the hand of Spirit.

An exciting tease of the miracles to be birthed.

And an activating call to all of us as new earth leaders.

Is this resonating? Be a part of Ayesha’s life-changing inner world:

👑 Sacred Business Evolution mastery portal, click here.

❤️‍🔥 The North Node in Aries masterclass, click here.

🌹 Venus Retrograde in Leo masterclass, click here.

Referenced previous episodes:

Episode #6: Strategy vs Energetics

Episode #11: My rock bottom & first ayahuasca journey

The Business Oracle Podcast is here to serve, inspire, empower, and activate you on your journey of soulful success.  

Hosted by Ayesha Durrani, a 7-figure astrologer, business oracle, and wealth energetics mentor for rebel soul entrepreneurs. 

The premise of Ayesha’s work is that success and wealth are byproducts of doing business in alignment with our unique energetic blueprints. Success is not reserved for the elite few. Abundance is our birth right and information on HOW to offer our purpose work via our businesses has never been more readily available.

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