New Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius

posted by

Ayesha Durrani


Ayesha's vision is New Paradigm conscious business, financial freedom, and liberation for all creators, so we can thrive, explore our Potential, own our Power and stand in our Purpose, each of us co-creating a beautiful & ethical world with our Soul work.

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Welcome to this portal to a New Earth.

Eclipses are not so much about manifesting with the moon.

These powerful doorways are more like instruments of Fate.

Yes we can express our desires and be heard by Spirit.

But this time is more about what Spirit will REVEAL to us about the next steps and new levels we have access to.

Destiny doesn’t always align with our Ego desires.

Let go into this process.  Allow Destiny to show itself to you

With the South Node at the very end of it’s karmic clearing journey through Sagittarius, 

and harsh aspects involving Saturn, Uranus, & Neptune this eclipse portal isn’t all sunshine and lollipops.

Harsh truths and realizations may come to light.

Epiphanies that may disrupt our ways of being & believing.

Yet ultimately these realizations serve our highest purpose and the greater potential of humanity.

Aries Sun / Moon / Rising

Rebirth of Faith & Philosophy.

You are your own Guru.  You have much to teach.

Stepping up as a teacher, author, adventurer.

Optimism in even the darkest chaos.

You are a flame of consciousness.

Share your embodied wisdom with others.

Taurus / Sun / Moon / Rising

Alchemical portal.

Death to Rebirth.  The deepest transformation.

Business.  Finance.  Energy exchange.

Intimacy.  Sex.  Merging.  Dissolving.  Shadow work.

Things will never be the same after this.

Let the Tower fall.

You are about to rise as the Phoenix.

Cancer Sun / Moon / Rising

Revolution of your daily flow.

Create new structure in your day that serves.

Ditch restriction, while choosing radiance.

Breakthroughs and epiphanies about your health.

Choose yourself.  This body is your Home.

What is your unique path to VITALITY?

Leo Sun / Moon / Rising

Rebirth of Radiance.

Creative Self Expression.  Play.  Fun.  Joy.

Liberation + empowerment of your Inner Child.

Shattering resistance to your divine artistry.

Your light does not take away from others.

Your radiance warms & illuminates this world.

Virgo Sun / Moon / Rising

Portal opening into your ancestry & lineage.

Rooting down to rise up.

Your Home is within you.  Cultivate and honour it.

Family revelations.  Cycles ending so new ones can begin.

Divine Feminine.  Rest.  Receptivity.

Take steps to make your Home your Sanctuary.

Libra Sun / Moon / Rising

Rebirth of your Message.

Finding new liberation in how you share your voice.

Communicating with greater freedom & artistry.

Social media rebrand.  Sibling relationships.

Your local community is calling you.

The world is ready to hear your Truth.

Scorpio Sun / Moon / Rising

Revelations about wealth & worth.

Powerful renewal of self-esteem, embodiment, presence.

New income streams.  Putting down roots of security.

You are held and supported.

You are innately worthy of the luxury you desire.

Claim your desires and call them in.

Sagittarius Sun / Moon / Rising

Re-Invention of YOU!

Re-introduce yourself to the world around you.

You have been through a huge cycle of growth.

You have been in a major process of karmic cleansing.

Now you are Reborn and ready to shine.

Your radiance is here to be expressed with boldness & courage.

Capricorn Sun / Moon / Rising

Renewal in the deepest realms of your subconscious.

Connect with the dream vision of your highest Self.

What beliefs does this version of you hold?

Plant these beliefs in the garden of your Soul.

Then surrender the “How” and just BE.

Trust.  Release.  Prayer.  Meditation.  Rest.

Aquarius Sun / Moon / Rising

Rebirth / Redirection when it comes to Groups & Community.

Cleansing and renewal in friendships.

Soul family are coming forward to connect.

But old connections may be ready to be shed.

Realizations about your true Future Vision.

You are stepping into greater leadership.

Pisces Sun / Moon / Rising

A portal opens in the realm of Career & Life’s Work.

The path of your LEGACY is opening in new ways.

Success breakthroughs / realizations.

Allow yourself to open to new ambitions and goals.

How do you desire to be recognized?

What is the Legacy you are here to create?

What would you do if you knew you could not fail?

So much love,


P.S. Want to learn more about the foundations of Astrology? Click here to get my free guide.

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