New Moon in Libra Horoscopes

posted by

Ayesha Durrani


Ayesha's vision is New Paradigm conscious business, financial freedom, and liberation for all creators, so we can thrive, explore our Potential, own our Power and stand in our Purpose, each of us co-creating a beautiful & ethical world with our Soul work.

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The New Moon at 2° Libra will be exact on :::

Sept 25 ✧ 2:54pm PT / 5:54pm ET / 10:54pm BST

Sept 26 ✧ 3:24am IST / 7:54am AEST

A new beginning in the sign of partnership, marriage, collaboration, 1-on-1 client work, harmony, justice, balance, reciprocity.

Libra desires peace… Yet the aspects at this full moon bring the potential of impulsive action, imbalance, and volatility.

Ruled by Venus, this sign connects with our desire for pleasure, prosperity, and connection.

These are our birth-rights… and challenges along the way only strengthen us as we evolve into the version of ourselves we need to be in order to Be / Do / Have what we desire & are destined for.

We are deep in retrograde season & Libra’s ruler, Venus, is conjunct to Mercury Rx in Virgo and together they are in loose conjunction with the New Moon.

The seeds planted now must be informed by the lessons we have learned from the past, specifically around Venusian themes of love and money.

Without integration of the past, the soil of creation is less fertile, & the results of our manifestation will be less powerful / consistent.

With opposition to Jupiter Rx, there may be a tendency to overwhelm ourselves by biting off more than we can chew or overdoing it in some way. But Jupiter’s contact still brings fortune, if we can breathe through the intensity of our desires and choose temperance. (A Libran fav)

 Aries Sun / Moon / Rising

New beginning in committed partnership & reciprocity.

Collaboration. Compromise. Conscious relating.

Redefine what Give & Take mean to you esp in close relationships.

New energy in 1-on-1 client work. Call in your people.

Free yourself from looping cycles, lone wolf energy, insecure attachment.

Define your non-negotiables, boundaries, and soul desires.

You deserve the passion & loyalty you offer others.

 Taurus Sun / Moon / Rising

New beginning in your daily structure & work flow.

Your life is a moving ceremony.

How can you create structure that serves your expansion?

You are unlocking new levels. Ground down to rise up.

Support yourself with nourishing foods and invigorating movement.

Anchor yourself with rituals, embodiment, wellness.

Health is Wealth. Listen to the voice of your Body.

 Gemini Sun / Moon / Rising

New beginning of the realm of creative Self Expression.

Inner child healing. A return to innocence. Play, Fun, Joy.

Amazing time to begin a creative project.

Prioritize your self and your soul desires. Fill up your cup.

Renew the way you shine your unique light in this world.

Hobbies. Expression. Performance. Flirtation. Do it just for fun.

A new cycle in dating, romance, courtship.

Life is getting sweeter <3

 Cancer Sun / Moon / Rising

New beginning in Home, Family, Divine Feminine.

How can you create the deepest emotional safety?

Sanctuary vibes. Ancestral blessings. Mother healing.

Womb, breasts, tummy love. Go within and feel it to heal.

Perhaps you are a cycle breaker in your lineage.

\What new legacy is born through you?

Your Home is within you.

 Leo Sun / Moon / Rising

Rebirth in communication & messaging.

Social media realignment / rebrand.

How do you desire social media to feel for you?

Does reliance on external validation hold back your Truth?

F!&k the people pleasing. Be the channel of your medicine.

You are not here to “make content”… you are a Creator.

What would shift if you saw your platforms as your art gallery?

Could be the birth of a new media project or platform.

 Virgo Sun / Moon / Rising

New beginning in Wealth, Self-Worth, Security.

Plant the seeds of the luxury and opulence you desire.

Untangle worth from wealth. You are innately worthy.

What you create now has longevity and stands the test of time.

Financial stability. New income streams.

Setting a powerful foundation of wealth to build upon.

You get to have high quality of life & a fat bank account.

Feel the sensations of that in your BODY.

 Libra Sun / Moon / Rising

Your GLOW UP New Moon.

But this New Moon has the potential to change your life.

Awakening of next level courage and boldness.

Let your inner growth show on the outside.

Adorn and express as the next level you.

This is a new chapter of prosperity & connection.

Claim it. Own it. & Choose it for yourself.

 Scorpio Sun / Moon / Rising

The most spiritual New Moon of the year for you.

You are no stranger to shadow work. Face the darkness.

You have the power to rewire your deep subconscious now.

Higher Self & Higher Power connection.

Meditate, Dissolve, Rest, Surrender to this process.

Profound transformation awaits you. Music = medicine.

Prayer = power. Tears = healing. Rest = necessary.

 Sagittarius Sun / Moon / Rising

Renewal in friend groups / communities.

Rebirth in Hopes, Dreams, Wishes… your sacred Vision for life.

You are attracting the right people / network for your next level.

New beginning in contribution to humanity’s evolution.

Social justice, Humanitarian pursuits.. Be the change.

Are you a leader of the New Earth?

What would you do / choose / change if you were?

Capricorn Sun / Moon / Rising

Success. Fame. Recognition. Capricorn tings!! Get it!

Plant seeds of your most fulfilling career path.

What would you still do if no one ever saw it?

When we create from our passion, external success is natural.

What is the true Legacy you came here to create?

What if the path of Destiny led to the greatest success?

Give yourself permission.. and Claim It.

 Aquarius Sun / Moon / Rising

New beginning in learning, teaching, & belief systems.

A new path of study & knowledge expansion is calling you.

Perhaps it’s time to step up as a teacher and mentor.

Through it all, your Faith in the journey is rebirthed.

See life as the adventure it is.

Embody the wisdom of your past experiences,

And look within yourself for the answers you seek.

Be optimistic about your path. What is meant to be, will be.

 Pisces Sun / Moon / Rising
Reality altering transformation.

This New Moon is also the death of past versions of yourself.

New beginning in intimacy, resilience, personal power.

New cycle when it comes to business, finance, debt.

To birth a new reality, you must allow old versions of Self to die.

Are you ready to shed what is dead?

Spirit will support you to emerge as the Phoenix rising.

This is your Alchemy.

When Mercury first stationed retrograde back on Sept 9th, it was in the sign of Libra.

This activated a cycle of reflection upon past relationships, past romantic disappointments, past relational traumas.

Mercury = the mind… we were invited to see these past experiences from a new perspective based on where we are now. To recognize our place in the “it takes two to tango”. To rewrite what we made these experiences mean about us / love in general.

This powerful AF work sets the stage for greater fulfillment and authenticity in ALL relationships … for the rest of our lives! (Never hate on Merc Rx!!!! it has sooo much to offer us)

Themes around boundaries, desires, and attachment styles have been coming up.

Libran shadows of people pleasing and avoiding confrontation have also come up for healing.

At this New Moon we have an opposition with Jupiter Rx in Aries… bringing the axis of Self & Other into focus.

Are we communicating our needs and desires?

Are we leaning in to tough conversations?

Can we allow the intensity of our desires to burn us alive in the best of ways, while also choosing moderation so we don’t blow ourselves out or act recklessly?

Merc Rx is now back in Virgo, yet the love theme continues as it conjuncts to Venus (the ruler of Libra & Taurus).

Yet in Virgo there is now an energy of grounded practical action… Cool, we see things a lil different now… but what do we wanna DO about it?

What are we no longer willing to settle for?

What new levels of discernment align with what you desire for the future?

Allow the lessons that have come up for you personally (since the Sept 9 stationing of Merc Rx) inform your manifestations at this New Moon.

You are not who you have been. The past never has to define the future.

This life is yours.

It’s never too late to fully CLAIM IT.

(Jupiter in Aries, fortune favours the bold)

May these insights empower and inspire you on your own unique path 


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