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Social media shadow work πŸ†πŸ–€πŸ—οΈ

posted by

Ayesha Durrani


Ayesha's vision is New Paradigm conscious business, financial freedom, and liberation for all creators, so we can thrive, explore our Potential, own our Power and stand in our Purpose, each of us co-creating a beautiful & ethical world with our Soul work.

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Social media is pretty much brand new in the grand scheme of things.

Created by corporations who don’t generally have our best interest at heart.

It’s like a wild west where anything goes… until it doesn’t.

And it is a reflection of humanity, in ALL it’s aspects.

It is also a web that interconnects us all…

granting us information at our fingertips that in the recent past was gate-kept or inaccessible for many people.

It has opened up new dimensions of connection, education, creativity.

& offers up the opportunity to make global impact in a way we have never had before.

Social media, like business, money, and relationships, can also act as a mirror for our own growth.

It is an arena for us to witness our own patterns, trauma responses, relational wounding, and so much more.

After all, most issues involve relationship dynamics with others…

And social media makes it possible to be interact with others instantly, at any time, from anywhere.

Got anxious attachment patterns in relationship?

Well, that probs shows up in the realms of business, money, and social media as well.

Tend towards being avoidant?

Well, that may play out with your work and wealth.

Got chronic perfectionist “good girl” syndrome?

Well, I’m guessing that influences the way you approach content creation and social media.

What many people do is experience these “undesirable” sensations with social media…

And blame social media, talk down about it, hold resentment, blame the algorithm, etc…

Yet still use it, and still wish for greater results and impact in their business.

This is a dissonance between what we really desire and how we are showing up for it.

And this creates a feedback loop of dissatisfaction and inconsistent results.

By relating to it as a mirror, we open up pathways in our own growth and purpose.

We allow illumination into our areas of healing, and get out of our own way.

We begin to make global impact while breaking the perceived “rules” about what we need to do to succeed on these platforms.

& we grow in our own truth, leadership, and medicine as we do so.

Loves, what would happen if we took responsibility for the way we engage with social media?

If we decided to really choose it… rather than begrudgingly keep using it?

If your platform was a channel for your creativity,

your work changing lives & empowering people world wide,

clients streaming into your DMs + offerings WITHOUT you being constantly on?

What would happen if we chose the potential IMPACT we could make, rather than get bogged down in the swamp of how we think it has to be?

Social media is brand new..

Wouldn’t you rather influence how we grow to use it as a collective, rather than accept it the way you THINK it has to be?

Is it 100% true that we HAVE to post daily, as many people say?

Is it 100% true that we HAVE to make reels that feel cheesy and inauthentic to us?

Is it 100% true that we HAVE to know the perfect thing to say?

Or are these limiting beliefs we have taken on while spiraling into a scroll-hole,

consuming others content, leaking our precious energy, comparison, and then feeling creatively blocked?

Burying ourselves in all the “should”s we think we “have to do”?

This implies an underlying belief that who you are and what you wanna do is not good enough.

Babe, this is Soul Business.

YOU and your essence are the key to your success.

This isn’t a popularity contest, this isn’t about vanity metrics, this isn’t about what the other ppl in your industry are doing.

This is about YOU.


And the people who are meant to be impacted by your work for the highest good.

Social media has changed my life.

From juggling 4-5 side hustles and crying in stress when I had a dental emergency I couldn’t pay for…

To 500k+ USD cash received in 2022 so far doing what I LOVE, with the most badass clients, in ways that feel nourishing to my being.

What could it do for you?

So much love,


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