πŸŒ• Full Moon in Sagittarius ❀️‍πŸ”₯🏹

posted by

Ayesha Durrani


Ayesha's vision is New Paradigm conscious business, financial freedom, and liberation for all creators, so we can thrive, explore our Potential, own our Power and stand in our Purpose, each of us co-creating a beautiful & ethical world with our Soul work.

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The full moon in Sagittarius, at 13Β°, is exact:

June 3 βœ¦ 8:41pm PT / 11:41pm ET

June 4 βœ¦ 4:41am GMT / 9:11am IST / 1:41pm AEST

It’s time to IGNITE.

Our higher mind and beliefs.

Our sense of adventure.

Our inner spark.

Our inspiration.

Our Faith.

It’s time to awaken to the excitement of infinite possibility.

To align to our true philosophies about life.

To pull our arrows back and aim towards that which truly lights our Souls on fire.

Rebirth of meaning in our lives.

Burning away ego, dogma, limiting beliefs, religious trauma.

And launching forth towards that which we were born for,

Our sacred Path of Purpose.

Are you in, my loves??

Sagittarius rules adventure, philosophy, learning.

Expansion, optimism, faith.

Reality is rearranging itself. Earth School is intensifying.

And as we recognize the truth of our Creator Power,

we understand that WE can, will and do


Let this full moon awaken the part of you that knows it will not only all be okay, it will be better than we can currently comprehend, it will be Heaven on Earth.

Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, and Jupiter is currently conjunct with the North Node of Destiny.

Mars is trine to the Full Moon, indicating the time for bold passionate action is NOW. (And that new boundaries are required to protect our new direction)

πŸŒ•Β Full Moon in Sagittarius Horoscopes πŸŒ•

β™ˆοΈ Aries Sun / Moon / Rising

Powerful rebirth of your life philosophies.

Travel. Learning. Expansion. Optimism. Faith.

Releasing and clearing limiting beliefs about what is possible.

Stepping up as a teacher, guide, or student.

Completing major life lessons,

to initiate a brand new destined adventure.

♉️ Taurus Sun / Moon / Rising

Life altering transformation.

Death / Rebirth. Inner alchemy that creates outer change.

Clearing unhelpful dogmas and beliefs,

to open to greater intimacy, power, and wealth on all levels.

Raw resilience. Shadow work. Rising like the Phoenix.

Inheritance. Joint resources. Energy exchange.

You are the Magician of your life.

β™Š Gemini Sun / Moon / Rising

Completion of romantic cycles, patterns, loops.

Release of unaligned partnerships and past disappointments.

Opening to faith & optimism when it comes to 1-to-1 connection.

New cycles begin after this release.

Marriage. Committed partnership. 1-on-1 client work.

Reciprocity. Harmony. Romantic love. Balance.

♋️ Cancer Sun / Moon / Rising

Release of habits that don’t support your highest health.

Rebirth of vitality, radiance, and structure.

Renewing organization, healthy productivity, work flow.

Increased energy. Actions align to goals.

Shifting structures to support your next level.

Nourishment. Nurturing.

Wellness glow up!

β™ŒοΈ Leo Sun / Moon / Rising

Clearing and burning away of blocks to creativity, joy, fun.

Awakening to the Artist & Divine Child within.

Liberating self expression. Emanating your light. Radiance.

Play is your birth right. Inspiration is your nature.

You are a child of the Sun.

It’s time to shine.

♍️ Virgo Sun / Moon / Rising

Home. Family. Mother. Womb.

Liberating your sense of Safety and Security.

Ending, completion of cycles relating to home / family.

Connection to ancestry, lineage healing.

Nesting into the sanctuary of your home and being.

Opening to greater receptivity.

Root down to rise up.

β™ŽοΈ Libra Sun / Moon / Rising

Liberating your communication.

Rebirth of your messaging. Social media rebrand.

Clarity. Potency. Poetry.

You are a natural diplomat,

but what would it mean to liberate your Voice?

Burning away self-censorship.

Tell your Story, sing your Song.

♏️ Scorpio Sun / Moon / Rising

Obliterating blocks + limiting beliefs to do with wealth & worth.

Liberating your abundance codes.

Grounding deeply into your Empress embodiment.

Luxury life style. Freedom. Powerful self esteem.

Completions lead to new beginnings.

Income streams. Savings. Assets. Resources.

Strong foundations,

for all that you are meant to build.

♐️ Sagittarius Sun / Moon / Rising

Liberation. Sense of Self. Your GLOW UP!

Show the world who you have become.

Changes and uplevels in appearances & identity.

New standards, new boundaries, new YOU.

A new 12 year cycle begins now.

What will you do with it?

β™‘ Capricorn Sun / Moon / Rising

Powerful changes in the depths of your subconscious.

Transmuting fears. Facing self sabotage.

Deep inner transformation,

that shifts your outer reality as well.

Release escapism. Connect to Self & Spirit.

Meditation. Prayer. Rest.

Trust the process.

β™’ Aquarius Sun / Moon / Rising

Blasting open the way to your highest visions and dreams.

This may require the release of certain friends or groups.

A dream may manifest or come to fruition now.

Or it may be time to let it go.

Technology, internet, social media, networking.

Your true Soul Family is on its way to you.

Stepping up into leadership.

β™“ Pisces Sun / Moon / Rising

Death and rebirth when it comes to Career.

Liberating your path towards recognition and legacy.

Burning away limiting beliefs about what is possible.

What TRULY ignites your soul?

Endings and completion when it comes to work,

in order to choose your true path of Purpose.

Can you feel it loves?

The freedom sparking.

The wanderlust awakening.

The liberation that is obliterating limiting beliefs around what is possible for us?

Jupiter energy is strong right now.

Newly in Taurus.

Conjunct the North Node of Destiny.

And the ruler of this Full Moon.

This is an invitation into expansion, to seeing life as fullll of infinite possibility, and to having positive expectations about the future.

Without faith and hope, we won’t make it to the New Earth babes.

It’s important to keep the flame alive.

And anything that hinders this, toΒ throw into the purifying fire of this lunation.

🏹 What would you do if you knew you could not fail?

🏹 What if the Universe truly was conspiring in your favour and luck was on your side? What would you do? What would you believe about life and what is possible for you?

🏹 Tap into the version of you that lives your highest and most exalted reality. What do they believe to be true? About themselves, about others, about work, about love, about life?

🏹 What do you perceive to be in the way of you living this now? What is ready to be released?

🏹 How can you choose to weave these exalted energies and beliefs into your Now moment?

🏹 What would you do if you truly felt that each day was an adventure, full of fun twists and turns, and endless opportunity? How would it feel?


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