πŸŒ• Full Moon in Capricorn πŸ‘‘

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Ayesha Durrani


Ayesha's vision is New Paradigm conscious business, financial freedom, and liberation for all creators, so we can thrive, explore our Potential, own our Power and stand in our Purpose, each of us co-creating a beautiful & ethical world with our Soul work.

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The full moon at 11Β° Capricorn is exact:

July 3 βœ¦ 4:38am PT / 7:38am ET / 12:39pm BST / 5:08pm IST / 9:38pm AEST

Full Moon in Capricorn… the sign of success & ambition.

Pluto Rx excavating the distortion of Cap energy (hustle culture, internalized capitalism, fear of responsibility, fear of success / failure), in order to Rebirth us into the highest expression of these energies…

Unlocking our true Soul LEGACY.

Major cycles around work, success, & ambition are coming to profound, permanent completion.

Manifestations are actualizing for the work we have done and the lessons we have learned and integrated around these themes.

We are being called to Redefine what Success means,

as we step up into our sacred responsibility as

Creators of the New Earth.

To build the New Paradigm, we require resources, skills, discipline, longevity, resilience.

We must believe it is possible, and that we are the ones we have been waiting for.

With opposition to Mercury in Cancer, themes of security and expression of our deepest emotions arise. We may be leaving much unexpressed due to not feeling safe… but it serves no one to bury our sacred emotions.

Find a way to safely express your emotions.

Feel what needs to be felt.

It will not hinder your path of success… In fact, it empowers it with authenticity, vitality, and passion.

A trine to Jupiter in Taurus blesses us with great opportunity and a lucky star shining upon us. No matter how challenging things are, we feel a sense of faith and optimism for the future. New pathways are opening in the 3D, our businesses, our quality of life, and our physical experience.

Amplify this even more through the magic of Taurus,

Embodiment. Presence. Wealth. Pleasure. Steadfastness.

& Rooting down into your un-fuck-withable Self Worth.

πŸŒ• Full Moon in Capricorn Horoscopes πŸŒ•

β™ˆοΈ Aries Sun / Moon / Rising

Releasing blocks to fulfillment in Career, Legacy & Fame.

Open up space for your true life’s work.

Transform limiting beliefs around what is possible for you.

Discover what you are truly responsible for and own it.

You are receiving Recognition. New pathways are opening.

This is your Soul Legacy.

♉️ Taurus Sun / Moon / Rising

Completion related to studies, philosophy, travel, adventure.

Transformation that connects you to your Personal Truth.

Release dogma, judgements & outdated programming about what is possible for you / what you capable of.

Connect to your sense of liberation.

See life as the adventure that it is.

Rebirth of optimism for the future.

β™Š Gemini Sun / Moon / Rising

Soul deep transformation. Profound cleanse.

A completion related to debt, joint finances, inheritance.

Release unhelpful money stories & blocks to deep intimacy

Release, release, release. Shed past emotional energy.

This is a death / re-birth cycle for you.

Allow it all, surrender to the process.

♋️ Cancer Sun / Moon / Rising

An ending or culmination in partnership & 1-on-1 client work.

End of cycles of over-giving, people pleasing, or withholding.

Release blocks to compromise & cooperation.

Yet don’t compromise your truth to appease others.

Strive for balance between Self & Other.

What you release now, creates the foundation for solid and fulfilling partnerships in the future.

β™ŒοΈ Leo Sun / Moon / Rising

Profound release of unhealthy habits, including overwork.

Define health & success for yourself out of LOVE – not FEAR.

Shed what doesn’t align with how you desire to live your life.

This is about Quality of Life. The in-between moments.

Release guilt, shame, “should”s, & perfectionism.

This is not about restriction. It’s about vibrancy and radiance.

Structure that supports your flow, pleasure, & nourishment.

♍️ Virgo Sun / Moon / Rising

Fun. Inner Child healing. Creative self-expression.

Joy. Laughter. Play. Leading from the Heart.

An ending or manifestation in dating, flirtation, creativity.

Your creative endeavours are worth it.

You have a unique light that you came here to shine.

Release resistance and blocks to sharing your Radiance.

Your expression illuminates and warms others.

β™ŽοΈ Libra Sun / Moon / Rising

Home, Roots, Ancestry, Family.

Release family hurts and mother wounds.

Womb healing. Divine feminine radiance.

Connecting to deep, true, emotional security.

Revolutionize what safety means to you.

Manifestation to do with family, home, or long term security.

Your ancestors rejoice at your healing.

♏️ Scorpio Sun / Moon / Rising

Communication and sharing your truth.

Release blocks to expressing your Message.

Social media cleanse / detox.

Shedding blocks to clear communication.

Re-Brand / Refresh how you market your work.

Let curiosity lead the way.

Self-Inquiry on who you are now

and how your story wants to be shared.

♐️ Sagittarius Sun / Moon / Rising

Transform Self-Worth, Wealth & Embodiment.

Release stories about having to “Earn it”.

Examine your inherited family money stories.

Release them from your body.

Release complexity and making it harder than it has to be.

The end of a money cycle.

You can create & receive the lifestyle you desire.

β™‘ Capricorn Sun / Moon / Rising

Rebirth your Self, Identity & Appearance.

Transforming the way you assert yourself in the world.

How do you currently take initiative towards your desires?

Shed blocks to shining the light of your essence in the world.

Instinct. Initiative. Courage. Boldness.

You have evolved through MAJOR transits these past few years.

Let your appearance express your deep inner growth.

β™’ Aquarius Sun / Moon / Rising

Profound release of subconscious fears and blocks.

Be open to rapid healing of long-held issues.

Don’t push yourself – You need more rest at this time.

Deep subconscious processes are unfolding.

End of a cycle related to fear, addiction, escapism.

Prayer. Energy work. Sound healing. Music. Meditation.

This internal healing will ripple out into all areas of life.

β™“ Pisces Sun / Moon / Rising

This Moon activates the house of friendship, hopes & wishes.

There is a culmination / manifestation of a dream or wish.

Release blocks to dreaming BIG. No more playing small.

The end of a cycle related to friend groups.

Release connections that aren’t aligned with your future.

Potential for Wish fulfillment.

Bask in the frequency of HOPE.

A powerful collective cleansing, around Work, Success, Achievement…

Topics that can be so loaded.

Not because of the energy of Capricorn itself, which is a pure archetype and perfect part of the greater whole…

But because of humanity’s distortions around work, labour, productivity, success, authority, fame, and status.

By cleansing these energies now,

we open up space to receive even more of the New Paradigm.

Where people get paid for their purpose and passions.

Where people don’t starve or go without basic needs when there is so much abundance in this world.

Where we don’t earn the right to be alive.

Where we get to devote our precious time, energy, attention, towards what we are truly meant to do rather than what we have to do to survive.

This is deep healing,

the kind our ancestors did not have the privilege to do.

With Pluto Rx entering back into Capricorn… It’s letting us know we still have work to do when it comes to how we relate to Work + Success.

When Pluto enters Aquarius again, it will embark on a 20 year journey, that will revolutionize this planet.

To direct that global change, we need resources, skills, and healthy discipline.

We are being prepared for greatness.

Heaven on Earth awaits our recognition of it.

πŸ‘‘ What is your definition of Success? Does it align with your values and true desires?

πŸ‘‘ What Legacy is your Soul calling you forward into?

πŸ‘‘ Are you willing to move forward knowing it won’t always be easy?

πŸ‘‘ What if every challenge you’ve ever experienced was preparing you for a Destiny greater than you could ever imagine?

Lots of love,


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