πŸŒ‘ New Moon in Cancer 🌊

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Ayesha Durrani


Ayesha's vision is New Paradigm conscious business, financial freedom, and liberation for all creators, so we can thrive, explore our Potential, own our Power and stand in our Purpose, each of us co-creating a beautiful & ethical world with our Soul work.

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The new moon in Cancer, at 24Β°, is exact:

July 17 βœ¦ 11:31am PT / 2:31pm ET / 7:31pm BST

July 18 βœ¦ 12:01am IST / 4:31am AEST

A sweet and tender New Moon,

coded with frequencies of profound transformation,

that ripples out from the depths of who we are and where we have come from… our lineages, our blood lines, our soul families, homes, upbringings, childhood, environments…

New manifestation cycles are sparking,

that ignite new realities of deep emotional fulfilment,

feelings of safety deep within ourselves,

a sense of sanctuary and belonging in this world,

as we rise into more of our potential,

shatter the cycles that kept us looping,

& become a good ancestor.

Mars and Saturn Rx are in opposition,

action feels frustrated. responsibilities are mounting.

yet if we step up to the current challenges,

we are sure to develop in mastery, discipline, & skill.

Healthy boundaries are needed for this process.

Pluto is loosely opposite to the New Moon,

challenging us to allow the full depth of transformation

no matter how harrowing & intimidating it may seem.

The potential for permanent change is here,

how will you use it?

Neptune & Uranus are in harmonious aspect to the New Moon.

We are awakening to our quantum creation powers.

Consciousness is evolving and changing the game.

A revolution is coming. Spiritual warriors stepping up.

Forgive and release the past,

       We are co-creating the future.

πŸŒ‘ New Moon in Cancer Horoscopes πŸŒ‘

β™ˆοΈ Aries Sun / Moon / Rising

Lineage. Home. Family. Roots.

New levels of Safety are blossoming within you.

Rooting down to Rise up.

You are creating your own sanctuary.

Long term security, stability, foundations.

Taking action towards a deeply fulfilling life.

Divine feminine, Divine mother, Divine nurturer.

♉️ Taurus Sun / Moon / Rising

Renewal of communication & sharing your message.

Voice activation. Expression from your depths.

Sparking new cycles of clarity.

Social media rebrand, new platforms.

This may involve your siblings or local community.

Your story is valuable,

& meant to be shared with others.

β™Š Gemini Sun / Moon / Rising

Wealth. Self worth. Material abundance. Embodiment.

What seeds do you desire to plant in this fertile garden?

Release past assumptions about what is available to you.

Claim your birth right. Feel it emotionally.

Cultivate the sensations of total abundance and overflow.

The new cycle you create here,

will ripple out into the future.

β™‹ Cancer Sun / Moon / Rising

Your New Moon.

New cycle in YOU. Identity. Appearance. Boundaries.

Taking bold risks and inspired action.

Renewal of initiative, assertiveness.

Masculine & Feminine balance.

Pioneering your new way.

Re-introduce yourself to the world.

β™ŒοΈ Leo Sun / Moon / Rising

New beginning in the deepest reaches of your subconscious.

Transformation of limiting beliefs and subconscious fears.

Renewal of connection to Spirit, trust, and faith.

Forgive the past & surrender to your True Path.

Profound compassion for Self & Others.

Play in the quantum field. Meditation & Prayer.

Spiritual abundance.

♍️ Virgo Sun / Moon / Rising

Renewal in friendship, community, groups, & leadership.

You have unique perspectives and solutions.

You have a special role to play in the New Earth.

What is your Vision for this world?

You aren’t here to do it all by yourself.

Call in your aligned collaborators & community

Build the big dream, the future Vision.

Your Wish fulfilment New Moon.

β™ŽοΈ Libra Sun / Moon / Rising

Career, Life’s Work, Fame, Recognition.

You are here to create a specific and unique Legacy.

One that connects to deep levels of emotional fulfilment.

Your work is sacred. Your offerings are nourishing.

Something new is gestating here,

ready to be birthed.

♏️ Scorpio Sun / Moon / Rising

Rebirth in faith and philosophy.

New cycles of learning, education, as student and/or teacher.

Publishing. Travel. Mentorship. Guidance.

New horizons are opening up before you.

Your unique wisdom is ready to be expanded and shared.

Seeing life as the adventure it truly is.


♐️ Sagittarius Sun / Moon / Rising

Renewal in the deepest reaches of your psyche.

New start in intimacy, surrender, resilience & spiritual power.

Rebirth, transformation, alchemy. Shadow work.

Good time to apply for loan, credit, mortgage.

New beginning in business, finance. Shared resources.

Exponential wealth is possible as money circulates.

Invest in your Dream Vision. You are the rising Phoenix.

β™‘ Capricorn Sun / Moon / Rising

New beginning in partnership, marriage, 1-on-1 work.

Renew your desires, boundaries, & non-negotiables.

New cycles in romantic relationships,

emotional fulfilment & safety in connections,

collaboration and compromise.

Healthy interdependence,

Secure attachment.

β™’ Aquarius Sun / Moon / Rising

New beginning in health, rituals, routines, & vitality.

Choose nourishment. Create new healthy habits. Organize.

Structure can serve you to live your best life.

Discernment. Refinement. Metabolizing life.

You are what you repeatedly do.

Consume consciously. Choose radiance. Hydrate.

Your future Self will thank you.

β™“ Pisces Sun / Moon / Rising

New cycle in creative Self expression, dating, & fun.

Reparenting. Inner child healing and liberation.

Playfulness. Dating. Flirtation. Courtship.

New sparks are flying.

New creations ready to be birthed by you.

Let it be FUN, joyous, wholesome.

Shine your light, share your true essence.

Through expression, you illuminate the world around you.

A sweet, soulful, and powerful manifestation portal.

New Moon in her home sign (Cancer is ruled by the Moon.)

New Moon in a cardinal sign, a sign of initiation and new beginnings, particularly towards what will give us emotional fulfilment and sense of deep and holy safety.

Blossoming open to our most tender dreams.

Feeling our way to a new reality.

While our ancestors rejoice,
and our choices ripple out to impact future generations.

It’s the New Moon of being a Good Ancestor.

We are not just here to break cycles,

we are here to create new ones.

This heals seven generations forward and backward.

πŸ’– What new cycles do you choose to birth now?

πŸ’– What does being a Good Ancestor mean to you?

πŸ’– Do you know that the Divine Mother & Mother Earth hold, support, protect and nourish you as you expand into your Destiny?

πŸ’– What does it mean for you to Root Down in order to Rise Up?

πŸ’– What are you calling in at this manifestation portal?

How would it FEEL to receive this?

πŸ’– Are you open and available to receive what you say you want?

πŸ’– Do your actions and boundaries align with this?

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