Equinox πŸ‚

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Ayesha Durrani


Ayesha's vision is New Paradigm conscious business, financial freedom, and liberation for all creators, so we can thrive, explore our Potential, own our Power and stand in our Purpose, each of us co-creating a beautiful & ethical world with our Soul work.

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Ohhhh I love this time of year.

Here in the north hemisphere the air gets crisp, leaves are changing colours, spooky season is emerging through the joy and celebration of summer, now dissolving away into the past.

For those in the southern hemisphere I imagine the fresh dewy morning air as the sun rises earlier, little green sprouts everywhere reminding us that life always returns no matter how cold and dark the winter…

The equinox is an energetic tipping point.

A cosmic check-point.

It is both completion,

and new beginning.

A moment in the cosmic rhythm when day and night are equal.

Finding balance and counter-balance in this ever shifting dance.

The balance of light and darkness.

The balance of life and death as seasons shift.

Inner and outer worlds weaving into one another.

Balance is not a static, inanimate, fixed destination.

It is organic, alive, ever shifting. It is a sacred dance.

For those of us in the northern hemisphere, the September equinox marks the start of autumn.

A season of release, ripeness, harvest, reflection.

As well as a collective turning inward into the coziness of hearth and home.

For those in the southern hemisphere, this is your start to spring.

A season of youthful exuberance, new growth sprouting, life force energy bursting forth for expression and manifestation.

Re-invigoration, renewal.

A new day, a new dawn, a new us.

For all of us, this is an invitation to pause and take stock of all that 2022 has held for us so far.

The lessons. the losses.

The wins. the celebrations.

The bounty, the beauty.

The depth, the delight.

The miracle that is life.

Each ending is a beginning.

Through reflection we metabolize & integrate the experiences and lessons of the past

Transforming them into wisdom that feeds and fuels our next season of evolution.

The September equinox also aligns with the beginning of Libra season, the sign of the scales.

A reminder of balance, reciprocity, and the relational nature of existence.

I have always loved the end of the year. There’s just something about quarter 4.

January 1st means nothing to me as many of you know LOL

But there is something about stopping and really getting in touch with what the heart and soul want at this point of the year.

Rather than new years resolutions like “On Jan 1 I will start ______”

I am more like… “What do you desire to feel ON Jan 1 as we move into another calendar year?”

I have always preferred goals and visions for BEFORE Jan 1… I have always loved thinking about what I want to BE, DO, and HAVE when the clock strikes midnight.

Quarter 4 is a magical time.

We have had another 9 months of growth, lessons, experiences.. all of which we can alchemize into power and wisdom if we choose.

Rather than continue to run on autopilot, with life and business feeling like a blurred whirlwind (aka me for most of my life),

I choose to connect with my vision, the desires of my heart, and the voice of my soul.

πŸ’Ž What treasures did the hardest lessons have for you this year?

πŸ’Ž Who did you become through any challenges, obstacles, and adversities that arose?

πŸ’Ž What are you celebrating? What are you so proud of? Have you expressed this to yourself / your inner child? Have you said “I am proud of you” in the mirror lately???

πŸ’Ž How do you desire to feel for these final months of 2022?

πŸ’Ž What actions, choices, investments would honour all you have been through AND who you are destined to Become?

πŸ’Ž What truly fucking matters to you, and how do you choose to show up for it?

So much love,

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